Weekly Bulletin 每周报告 6th June 2021

  1. 欢迎所有莅临本会的嘉宾朋友、弟兄姐妹。本会的异象是建立一间“活在人群中的门徒教会”,我们期待您的加入,一同朝着这个目标前进。祈愿中国布道会能够成为您属灵生命成长的地方!

    We want to welcome all our guests, brothers and sisters for joining our Sunday service. Our vision is to be a “disciple-making church among our communities”. We invite you to join us as we progress toward this goal. We hope that ECF Holy Word will be the place to nurture your spiritual growth!

  2. 上周华语崇拜有78个线上点击,英语崇拜有28个线上点击。有5位参与实体崇拜,包括讲员、牧者与服事人员。

    Last week there were 78 on-line viewing points for Chinese service and 28 on-line viewing points for English service. There were 5 attendees in the physical worship    services, including speakers, pastors and ministry volunteers.

  3. 教会将会依据政府相关部门的指示与教会领袖们的评估后才决定几时恢复实体崇拜。按目前的状况,我们还无法知道什么时候将会恢复实体崇拜。这项报告是因为有会友以为来临主日就可以回到教会参与实体崇拜而做出的澄清,敬请留意!

    The church will decide when to resume physical worship based on the government’s advisory and the assessment of the church leaders. At this point in time, we do not know when we will resume physical worship. This clarification is made because some members thought that we could return to the church to attend physical worship this Sunday.

  4. 黄牧师将于来临星期四(6月10日),晚上8点,透过线上Zoom平台,聚集华文部的领袖与牧养同工,彼此分享与代祷。请同工们准时出席。

    Rev Ng will gather leaders and pastoral staff from the Chinese Dept to share and pray for each other through Zoom platform at 8pm on the coming Thursday (10 June).              Co-workers, please attend on time.

  5. 李振群博士主讲的护教讲座,“做好准备—三个常见的关键课题”,来临星期六将进入最后一堂,主题是“科学与信仰”。请已报名的弟兄姐们提前15分钟进入,讲座将准时9.30am开始。没有报名的弟兄姐们若也想参加,请通知组长或牧者。

    Dr.Christopher Lee’s lecture on "Be Prepared - Three Common Key Topics", the last session on the topic “Science and Faith” will be on this Saturday. All registered brothers and sisters are invited to join the zoom 15 minutes early and the seminar will start at 9.30am sharp. For those who have not signed up, please inform your group leader or pastor if you would like to attend.

Prayer Pointers 祷告事项

  1. 牧者们於这几个星期都在讨论教会接下来几年的发展计划。其中两项重要的课题是:第一是疫情底下与疫情后的牧养策略;第二就是教会未来几年的培训计划。请在祷告中记念!

    In the past few weeks, our church pastors have been discussing the church’s development plan for the next few years. Among them include two important matters: the first is the pastoral strategy under and after the pandemic; the second is the church’s training plan for the next few years. Please remember in prayer.

  2. 为着2019新冠肺炎祷告 Pray for COVID19 pandemic:

    ⑴ 按世界卫生组织的报告,至6月2日,全世界已有超过15亿8千万人已经接种疫苗。请为着整个疫苗接种的顺利祷告。

    According to the World Health Organization, as of 2 June, more than 1.58 billion people worldwide have been vaccinated. Please pray for the entire vaccination              process to go smoothly.

    ⑵ 在各国政府努力的对抗疫情及更多人施打疫苗底下,全世界的疫情有着非常显著的下降。让我们继续不停歇的祷告,好让疫情能够继续迅速下降,人民的生活也可以逐步恢复。

    With the efforts of governments to combat the pandemic and increase in the number of people being vaccinated, there has been a significant decline in the pandemic cases worldwide. Let us continue to pray without ceasing that the pandemic will continue to decline rapidly, and that people’s lives can gradually return to normal.

  3. 为着以下肢体代祷Congregation prayer concerns:

    Let us continue to keep Brother Goh Wee Shin, Brother Tan Keng Khim, Brother Phua Ngee Yong, Sister Yue Soon Lin and Sister Mary Teo in prayer. 

Weekly Bulletin 每周报告 13th June 2021


Weekly Bulletin 每周报告 30th May 2021