Weekly Bulletin 每周报告 7th June 2020
Dear brothers and sisters,
By the grace of God, we entered into the first week of our gradual reopening. While many liberties are still not available, let us give thanks that we can finally visit our family members especially our elders. Continue to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding, acknowledge him in every part of your life. As we continue on the reopening phase, let us continue to be thankful for the progress and continue to practice caution to prevent the resurgence of COVID-19 in our community.
Announcements 报告
上周的线上直播崇拜有约90个点,估计有180位参与线上崇拜,加 上3位(包括牧者与服事人员)出席教会现场的崇拜。
For last week’s service, there was an estimate of 180 online viewers (from 90 viewing points) and 3 attendees (inclusive of pastors and those who served) at church.
The Alpha Course scheduled on July will be cancelled due to the pandemic. Our pastors and evangelism ministry are thinking through our outreach plans. Although at the moment we are not able to gather to share the gospel, may our Lord grants us the passion to spread the good news and continue to be a witness for Him.
教会媒体事工部已经将每主日的周刊、牧者感言及一些重要的报告放在教会网站。欢迎弟兄姐妹上网阅读与查阅,网址是 www.ecfholyword.org。另外,若有弟兄姐妹有负担参与网页事工,请向燕俊执事了解详情!
Our media team has uploaded our weekly bulletin, pastoral reflection and other information into our church’s website. We invite brothers and sisters to visit our website at www.ecfholyword.org. Please look for Deacon Daniel if you are interested to serve in the media ministry.
Please be informed that our Church’s AGM in June will be postponed due to the pandemic.
The Pastors Planning Retreat will be held on 25th to 26th June. Besides ministries planning for the 2021, we will explore and understand the opportunities for media ministry. If you have any ideas to contribute, please email Rev Ng at engkeng@ecfholyword.org.
Prayer Pointers 祷告事项
至6月4日,全世界共有6,416,828人确诊;新加坡有36,922个确诊。请继续 为着世界各国能更好的控制疫情的扩散祷告。
继续在祷告中记念新加坡的疫情。新加坡政府已经于6月2日开始第一阶段的 解封。请为着解封后,疫情不会扩散,特别求主保守回校的学生及回到职场工作的人士。
Let us continue to remember the countries, people, and churches affected by the Covid-19.
As of 4th June, the global Covid-19 cases are 6,416,828; Singapore with 36,922. Please continue to pray for the different countries to manage the situation of the virus.
Let us continue to pray for Singapore. Our government has lifted the circuit breaker for phase 1 from 2nd June. We ask the Lord to protect the students and professionals going back to school and work, not to be infected by the virus.
Pray for the Covid testing for the massive number of foreign workers to be smooth. Also ask the Lord to heal the confirmed foreign workers so that they can recover soon.
Ask the Lord to give the different countries medical researchers wisdom to come out with the Covid-19 vaccines.
Congregation prayer concerns:
Sister Wong Chay Ling is resting at home after discharging from the hospital (1/6). She is currently having pain around her knees. Please remember her in prayer.
Sister Mary Chee found that her eyes were still yellow after surgery, suspected to be a kidney issue. After contacting her doctor, she decided to go back to the hospital tomorrow morning for further examination. Please pray.