Weekly Bulletin 每周报告 19th April 2020
弟兄姐妹平安。我国将进入第三个礼拜的严峻的疫情应对策略。鼓励大家为了大局继续忍耐疫情所带来的不便。 本会的异象是建立一间“活在人群中的门徒教会”,我们期待您的加入,一同朝着这个目标前进。祈愿在这具有挑战的时期当中,中国布道会能够成为您属灵生命成长的地方!
Dear brothers and sisters,
As we enter into our 3rd week of our nation’s circuit breaker efforts, I urge you to continue to endure the inconveniences for the greater good. Our vision is to be a “disciple-making church among our communities”. We invite you to join us as we progress toward this goal. We hope that ECF Holy Word will be the place to nurture your spiritual growth especially during such challenging times.
Announcements 报告
⒈ 教会要在这里呼吁每一位弟兄姐妹,配合政府的疫情应对策略,尽量减少不必要的外出。这是我们基督徒应尽的社会责任与见证!也让我们一起努力,并继续为着世界各地的抗疫人员祷告!The church is here to appeal to every brother and sisters to cooperate with the government's circuit breaker strategy and minimize unnecessary outings. As Christian, this is our social responsibility and testimony to fulfill. Let us work together and continue to pray for personnel
2. 上周的线上直播的崇拜有约89个点,估计有180位参与线上崇拜,加上4位(包括牧者与服事人员)出席教会现场的崇拜。
For last week’s service, there were an estimate of 180 online viewers (from 89 viewing points) and 4 attendees (inclusive of pastors and those who served) at church.
⒊ 教会第一版的网页已经完成,并且已经上线。网页的部分内容虽然还没有完整,但为了让会友在疫情期间能够获取及时的资讯,我们决定先上载,并会继续修正与提升。网址是 www.ecfholyword.org。另外,若有弟兄姐妹有负担参与网页事工,请向顺发执事了解详情!
The first version of the church website has been completed and is now online. Although part of the webpage is not complete, however, in order to allow members to obtain timely information during the pandemic, we decided to upload it first, and we will continue to revise and improve it. The web address is www.ecfholyword.org. In addition, if any brothers and sisters have the burden to participate in the web ministry, please ask Deacon Patrick for details!
⒋ 教会自2月9日开始线上直播,至今已经进入第十一周。感谢主,为我们预备所需的器材与拥有相关技术的同工,以至于我们能够在最短的时间进入直播。弟兄姐妹在参与直播崇拜时,必须与参与现场崇拜一样,即必须预备心、穿着整齐、并以敬虔的心来到主面前敬拜祂、朝见祂!
The church has been broadcasting live online since 9th February and has entered its eleventh week. Thank you Lord for preparing the necessary equipment and co-workers with relevant technical skills for us, so that we can use the live streaming in the shortest time. When participating in live streaming worship, brothers and sisters must participate in the same way as when in church, that is, we must prepare our hearts, dress neatly and come to the Lord with a contrite heart to worship and encounter Him!
⒌ 教会自二月开始就无法有实体的团契/小组聚会。但我们仍然可以透过网上连线的方式进行小组。至今大部分的团契/小组都开始了网上连线的分享与代祷!若你还未参与任何一个网上小组,请向牧者询问,我们将把你编入一个合适您的小组。
Our church has been unable to have face to face fellowship / small group meetings since February. But we can still connect through online conference. So far, most of the fellowships / groups have started to share and pray online! If you have not participated in any online group, please ask your pastor, we will try to put you in a suitable group.
Prayer Pointers 祷告事项
为着在世界各地的医药研究员祷告。求主赐予他们智慧,早日找到对抗2019 冠状病毒的药方。
1. Let us continue to remember the countries, people and churches affected by the Covid-19.
Pray for countries around the world to better control the spread of the epidemic. As of 16th April, there is a total of 1,995,983 confirmed cases and 131,037 deaths around the world.
Pray for Singapore, especially remembering the authorities dealing with the pandemic prevention of the foreign worker dormitory. So far, there have been 2,689 confirmed cases in the dormitory.
Ask the Lord to give the different countries medical researchers wisdom to come out with the COVID-19 vaccines.
Pray for our pastors and leaders. Pray for wisdom as they plan the service and recording. We also want to remember our brothers and sisters who do not have internet access, especially our elderly members. We ask the Holy Spirit to watch over them and may the peace of God be with them.
2. 黄师母的朋友沈雪伦姐妹于上个星期五过世,回返天家。她于去年二月回新的时候,在董牧师的带领下,决志信主,并在四月份,由黄牧师在医院为她洗礼。请继续在祷告中记念丧家家属。
Sis Jean Ong’s friend, Sharon Sim, passed away last Friday and return to our Lord. Rev Tong led her to Christ last February and in April, Rev Ng baptized her in the hospital. Please continue to pray for her family members.