Weekly Bulletin 每周报告 12th April 2020
冠状病毒继续的影响着我们的生命的一切事项。让我们继续的同心为着疫情来祷告。为着患病的得医治,求神保守每天在前线战斗的医疗人员。 也为我们教会在这危急里的同心祷告。
我们也推出了我们教会的网页。www.ecfholyword.org . 希望教会的网页也能成为我们支取灵粮和教会智讯的地方。
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, as our country battles on with COVID-19, many aspects of our lives remains severely disrupted. Let us continue to pray fervently for the situation, for the healing of the sick, for protection of our front liners, for unity amid this disruption.
Our church service remains online until further notice. I urge you to stay connected to God and with our brothers and sisters in Christ through alternate means. Encourage one another and continue to build each other up in the word of God.
This week we soft launch our church website. www.ecfholyword.sg . We hope this can be a rallying point for our church where you can find out the latest information and be encouraged with spiritual resources.
Announcements 报告
⒈ 欢迎所有莅临本会的嘉宾朋友、弟兄姐妹。本会的异象是建立一间“活在人群中的门徒教会”,我们期待您的加入,一同朝着这个目标前进。祈愿中国布道会能够成为您属灵生命成长的地方!
We want to welcome all our guests, brothers and sisters for joining our Sunday service. Our vision is to be a “disciple-making church among our communities”. We invite you to join us as we progress toward this goal. We hope that ECF Holy Word will be the place to nurture your spiritual growth!
2. 上周的线上直播的崇拜有约97个点,估计有190位参与线上崇拜,加上10位(包括牧者与服事人员)出席教会现场的崇拜。
For last week’s service, there were an estimate of 190 online viewers (from 97 viewing points) and 10 attendees (inclusive of pastors and those who served) at church.
⒊ 随着政府继续加强对疫情的防疫措施,教会也相应的调整我们聚会的方式。我们仍然会继续在主日有线上直播的崇拜,但由于当局将原本的最多10位参与崇拜的录制减少到3位(最多4位)。因此我们也需要简化我们的崇拜程序与缩短聚会时间。 虽然崇拜程序简化,但我们所敬拜的主仍然临在我们的聚会当中。让我们继续以敬虔的心,来到主面前敬拜祂!
As the government continues to strengthen the circuit breaker measures, the church has also adjusted the way we meet. We will still continue the worship service that is live streaming on the Sunday, but the authorities have reduced the original recording of up to 10 participants to 3 (up to 4). Therefore, we also need to simplify our worship and shorten the service. Although the order of worship is simplified, the Lord we worship is still in our midst. Let us continue to worship God with a respectful attitude!
⒋ 教会自二月开始就无法有实体的团契/小组聚会。但我们仍然可以透过网上连线的方式进行小组。至今大部分的团契/小组都开始了网上连线的分享与代祷!若你还未参与任何一个网上小组,请向牧者询问,我们将把你编入一个合适您的小组。
Our church has been unable to have face to face fellowship / small group meetings since February. But we can still connect through online conference. So far, most of the fellowships / groups have started to share and pray online! If you have not participated in any online group, please ask your pastor, we will try to put you in a suitable group.
⒌ 教会要在这里呼吁每一位弟兄姐妹,配合政府的疫情应对策略,尽量减少不必要的外出。这是我们基督徒应尽的社会责任与见证!也让我们一起努力,并继续为着世界各地的抗疫人员祷告!
The church is here to appeal to every brothers and sisters to cooperate with the government's circuit breaker strategy and minimize unnecessary outings. As Christian, this is our social responsibility and testimony to fulfill. Let us work together and continue to pray for personnel fighting the pandemic around the world!
⒍ 教会原本安排从6月至7月有三个短宣行程(泰国清莱、西马及台湾),但因为2019新型冠状疫情未见好转,牧者与当地同工开会后决定取消泰国与台湾的行程,而西马的行程将延后到年底。敬请留意!The three short term missions trips organized by our church from June to July (Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan) is cancelled due to the COVID-19 virus, after our pastors discussed with the overseas partners. The missions trip to Malaysia is postponed to December. Please take note.
Prayer Pointers 祷告事项
Let us continue to remember the countries, people and churches affected by the Covid-19.
Pray for countries around the world to better control the spread of the epidemic. As of 9th April, there is a total of 1,439,516 confirmed cases and 85,711 deaths around the world.
Let us pray for these countries. 395,030 confirmed in America, 146,490 confirmed in Spain, 139,422 confirmed in Italy, 108,202 confirmed in Germany, 83,249 confirmed in China, and 81,095 in France.
Pray for Singapore. As of 9th April, there were 1910 confirmed cases of infection, 884 still in the hospital and 29 of them in ICU (Intensive Care Unit).
Ask the Lord to give the different countries medical researchers wisdom to come out with the Covid-19 vaccines.
Pray for our pastors and leaders. Pray for wisdom as they plan the service and recording. We also want to remember our brothers and sisters who do not have internet access, especially our elderly members. We ask the Holy Spirit to watch over them and may the peace of God be with them.