Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ基督肢体的团结与成熟

Author: Sister Tan  Bei Fen

I had the privilege to participate in the recent 2023 ECF planning plenary sessions to plan for next year’s events. I reflected on the plenary sessions, our 2023 plans, and past sharing with friends during our cell prayer session. I was reminded that despite our best effort, there will still be some who will join or leave the church to find their “ideal” church or cell.

At some point, we may have imagined what an “ideal” church or cell would have looked like. We may even expect our church or cell to be like what we imagined. But the reality is that the church is made up of imperfect people coming from diverse backgrounds and are raised with different value systems and ideologies. When different values or ideas meet, views may clash, and conflicts may arise. The gap in expectations then influences their cell experience and how they behave in that setting.

Ephesians 4 reminds us that we should “be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all”. Despite the differences between what we envisioned as an ideal church or cell to reality, we are built and united on the foundation of Christ and His love. Furthermore, it is exactly because of the different quirks and personalities in the body of Christ that contribute to the vibrancy of God’s kingdom!

Opinions raised by different people on church and cell improvements are valuable to build up the church because they provide varied perspectives. All these suggestions are well-intentioned to benefit the church. However, we also must take great care not to impose our notions of an ideal church or cell on others, which may be unintentional, and expect others to behave exactly how we think they should be. This may in turn cause hurt to the people in the church while frustrating us when things are not moving our way. Bear in mind that we are all striving to glorify and serve God. When we bring our weaknesses before God to reveal to us how we can work around them, we will be given the grace to truly accept and appreciate our differences as we work towards the common good - which is to edify the church!

文: 陈琲棻姐妹






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