How To Praise and Thank God 如何赞美及感谢主

Author: Sister Kathleen Lee

I read this article and would like to share it with my dear brothers & sisters in Christ.

How To Praise and Thank God

It is quite natural for us to praise God for who He is TO US. And so, on a Sunday morning, we might feel like being in a worshipful spirit because everything is going our way and life is good, and we are relatively free from major problems or pain in our lives. But what if life is not going well for us? What about the Christian who seems to be always plagued with insurmountable problems? Can he or she still praise God and thank Him?


It is important to note that our praise of God should not be limited to our experience of Him, for God is bigger than our experience. And that is why the Bible always leaves a certain mystery about God that we human beings cannot fathom. We must therefore praise God for what we know about Him and for what remains hidden from us. We should praise God not primarily because of what we are experiencing but because of who God is. Our praise of God should be based on what God’s Word says about God rather than on my present experience or feelings. It is for this reason that connecting worship and praise and thanksgiving solely to emotions and feelings and present human experience is not particularly helpful for a proper understanding of worship.


Paul and Silas (Acts 16:25) demonstrate for us what our praise and thanksgiving should be based on, not on what is happening to us or how we are feeling, but on who God, the Unchanging One, is.


The Word of God tells us who God is. We must read our Bibles well in order to praise God well.













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