The Peace of God 神赐的“平安”


Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng

Translate: Sis Charis Ong

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,

will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
— Philippians 4:7

People of the world are looking for ‘peace’! And it is especially so during virus outbreak in the past one year, which brought about much anxiety and helplessness. As such, any attempt to attain peace through worldly things, be it material goods, money, fame or even status, will be futile!

Many, including Christians, will feel anxious frequently. One of the important factors contributing to anxious feelings is the thoughts we have within. Even though things may not be what how we imagine them to be, our thoughts affect how we live our lives. As such, the Bible teaches that we must “guard our hearts and minds”.

Pastor Spurgeon once said:

“What is God’s peace? The unruffled serenity of the infinitely-happy God, the eternal composure of the absolutely well-contented God. This shall possess your heart and mind.”

Indeed, the peace that God gives is one that remains even when a storm rages; the peace that God gives is one that transcends all understanding; the peace that God gives is a supernatural one that rises above difficulties and challenges.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us enjoy being in the embrace of God, because the peace that He gives is one that enables us to overcome the world and death, and enter the true peace of an eternal world!



— 腓立比书4:7




·    神的平安是无限喜乐的神之“稳静的安详”。

·   神的平安是绝对满足的神之“永恒的镇定”。




Humility and Fear of Lord 谦卑与敬畏耶和华


God Is In Charge神永远掌权