Humility and Fear of Lord 谦卑与敬畏耶和华


Author: Sis Tay Sze En

Translate: Sis Charis Ong  

The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life.
— Proverbs 22:4

Do you remain faithful to God, obey Him, rely on, and give all glory to Him in the smallest of matters? Or do you insist on your own ways, rely on your own smarts and strength to achieve the goal so that you may enjoy the rush of success and glory? And do you turn to God and cry out to Him only when you are completely helpless and cornered?

The world is huge, and we are so insignificant and unworthy. Yet, God loves you with an eternal love and has never forsaken you. He inclines His ear to our cries; stretches out His almighty Hands to calm the roaring waves; soothes the grievances and injustice we suffer and pours blessings upon our lives. So why then should we insist on fighting our battles alone and shed our tears in vain?

It is written in Proverbs 22:4

“The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life.”

Humility enables one to remain faithful in the smallest of things and act in all matters according to God’s standards.  And God will then bestow riches, honor and life upon us.

True riches: is having God as the one in charge of our lives, so that we will lack nothing, experience grace and give thanks unceasingly.

True honor: is knowing that all is accomplished through God, that we no longer seek our own glory but that for God and wait upon the day that we share in God’s glory.

True life: is not losing oneself in the vanity of things but enjoying being in the presence of God and hope for that fulfilling and eternal life that is to come.

May all brothers and sisters find encouragement in all our sharing, blessings to all!


— 箴22:4



箴言22: 4如此说:








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