God Is In Charge神永远掌权


Shared by Sis Teo Giok Lai

Translated by Sis Charis Ong  

A year and a half have passed since the first case of Covid-19 infection appeared in Singapore. It has brought about a massive impact and changes in lifestyles and habits. All that should have been become unpredictable. In a bid to curb the spread of the virus in the community, the government introduced different phases of lockdown. Routines were shaken up, panic and unrest set in. At the news of the implementation of the Circuit Breaker, many rushed to the supermarkets to stockpile grocery items - even the toilet papers went out of stock. A new norm is taking shape and hot topics of discussion went from having you bought your masks? to have you received vaccination yet?

Being Christian, what kind of mentality should we have when facing such a circumstance?

We are thankful that we believe in a God who is resurrected from the dead. He has declared victory over death. He is our God who will surely protect, watch over and heal us. At this point in time, God alone is our Help, Comfort, Encouragement and the one to rely on.

The Bible says: God’s grace is sufficient for us, His power is made perfect in our weakness; all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. Though we do not know when will this epidemic end, we know that the God who loves us is still in charge of our lives. Let us lean upon the God who gives us the strength to face this challenge. Experience God’s peace and joy in this storm and live a blessed life that has hope and assurance in God.


自从去年一月我国出现了第一例的冠状病毒至今已经一年半了,人们的生活习惯有了很大的影响与转变,一切大家以为理所当然的事变得无法预料。政府为了阻止病毒在社区的扩散制定了不同阶段的阻断措施。人们的生活秩序一下子被打乱了,甚至也带来了恐慌不安, 大家一听到消息都跑到超市去抢购食物,甚至厕纸也被抢购一空。人们的生活习惯都有了新常态,话题从你买到口罩了吗?到注射疫苗了吗?





The Peace of God 神赐的“平安”


Discipline as an Ant 蚂蚁般的纪律