The Joy From GOD 上帝所赐的喜乐

Author : Sis Ng Siew Kim

Translator: Sister Charis Ong

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
— Philippians 4:4

In the book of Philippians, Paul emphasised repeatedly to always rejoice in the Lord, and encouraged believers in Philippi with that verse. He has set for the Philippians a good role model for he has learnt how to be content and rejoice in the Lord, whether having plenty or in hunger, having an abundance or in need. We too understand that we must rejoice in the Lord, yet it feels like an impossible mission when we face adversities. Why?

Recently, the need to adapt to new surroundings after shifting house and my family’s contraction of COVID wore me down physically and mentally, such that I found it impossible to have any joy. Today, many are like me, losing joy because of sudden changes in the      environment and challenges.

Thanks be to our God that He desires to give us joy. All we need to do is to imitate Paul, to have unshakeable faith in God. The strategy is just as Paul mentioned in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

Though Paul was shackled in the prison, he could still pray and sing praises to God with Silas in the middle of the night (Acts 16:25). He knew that God is with him, even as he faced mounting troubles, he could still sing with gladness, and be filled with joy because of the faith he has in God! God is the source of joy, and He has the last say in all our circumstances.   Believe in God’s promises – He did not leave nothing good for those whom He loves!

Dear brothers and sisters, let us learn what Paul taught, that is to ‘always rejoice’, ‘pray without ceasing’, and ‘give thanks in all circumstances’ (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Besides, we also learnt in Philippians 4:6-7, to ‘not be  anxious about anything, but in everything by    prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

“Rejoice in the Lord always”, no matter the kind of circumstances we are in or the stress we are under, we only need to confide calmly in our God. All matters, whether big or small, good, or bad, we can give thanks because “for those who love God all things work together for good”. May the Lord bless all of you. May the peace and joy of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you forever and ever!

翻译: 王佩瑾师母

— 腓立比书 4:4



感谢爱我们的神,祂定意要赐喜乐给我们。我们只要效仿保罗,对主有坚定的信心。就如保罗在腓4:13 所提起他得力的秘诀是:「靠着那加给我力量的, 凡事都能作。」





Loving God Faithfully 专一爱神


The Lord Speaks 主对我说的话