Loving God Faithfully 专一爱神

Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng

Translator: Sister Charis Ong

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
— Deuteronomy 6:5

Deuteronomy 6 records Moses’ exhortation to the Israelites to revere and fear the Lord, and to keep in mind His statutes and commandments. Not only that, but they are also to teach their descendants to keep God’s statutes and commandments in the Promised Land, so that they may receive God’s blessings all their lives. (Deuteronomy 6: 1-3)

In Deuteronomy 6, “Lord your God” appeared for a total of 13 times. Because the Lord is our God, we must serve and worship Him with all our heart, our soul, and our might. “Loving God faithfully” is the core commandment in Deuteronomy. The relationship between human and God is based on a foundation of love, and the teaching of “loving God faithfully” is demonstrated through “fear of” and “submission to” God.

Today, it is not just about “loving God” on our own! God wants us to teach our next generation to love and fear Him as well. Further, ‘loving God’ must also become the most important part of our Christian life. God must be the ultimate goal in all our undertakings in life, and “loving God” must also become our core value in life!

Today, many Christians are influenced and affected by the secular environment, causing their faith to be shaken. Due to a lack of firm foundation in their faith, they are not able to handle the challenges that the opposition in the world throws at them and may even end up in defeat!

Dear brothers and sisters, we need to be prepared to pay the price to be able to love God with all our heart, soul, and might. May the Lord help us, that we may give it our all to ‘love God faithfully’ and be a blessing to many more people!


— 申命记 6:5



今天,不是自己 “爱神” 而已!神乃是要我们也教导我们的下一代,同样的爱神、敬畏神。不但如此,“爱神” 也必须成为基督徒信仰生命中最重要的环节。我们在做任何的事情,都必须是以神为我们的目标,而“爱神”也必须成为我们生命中的核心价值观!

在现今的这个世代,许多基督徒因为受到属世环境的影响与冲击,他们的信仰也都被 “动摇” 。因着个人信仰基础的不稳固,以至于当世界那敌对的浪潮来袭时,他们将完全无法招架,甚至只有被挨打的份!

亲爱的弟兄姐妹,要能够达到 “全心、全性、全力” 的爱神,我们必须预备好付出代价。求主帮助我们,让我们尽一切的力量“专一的爱神,好让我们的生命,能够成为多人的祝福!


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