The Hope of Resurrection 耶稣复活所带来的盼望


Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng

Translate: Sis Charis Ong  

Jesus has risen from death! The death of Jesus is not the end of the story but a process – one that is necessary to pave the way for His resurrection. Today, because of His resurrection, we have hope and lives can be changed.

1. The Resurrection of Jesus Fulfills the "Saving Grace"

Jesus died for our sins therefore His death fulfilled the promises that Father God has for us. And as His Resurrection showed His victory over the dominion of sin and death, it is also a confirmation of His righteousness. Just as it is written in 1Corinthians 15:14 and 17, if Jesus had not been resurrected, then all that we ‘preach’ and ‘believe’ today would have been in vain, and we would all still be living in sin. We thank and praise God that the resurrection of Christ has secured the forgiveness of sins for those who believe in Him!

2. The Resurrection of Jesus Completes the ‘Glorified Body’

God brought Jesus out of the tomb and caused a transformation in His body, making it glorious and incorruptible. Jesus now lives forever in that resurrected body. Whoever believes in Jesus shall enter into union with Him, become a new creation, be filled with God-given resurrection power, and live to testify for Him in this world, bringing glory unto Him.

Dear brothers and sisters, the resurrection of Christ is an indisputable fact. His resurrection not only secures our hope in eternity, but also strengthens us to face life’s difficulties and challenges.

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,”(John 11:25)




 1. 耶稣的复活成就了“救赎的恩典”

耶稣的死,乃是为着世人的罪而死,因此祂的死成就了父神所给我们的应许。因为祂的“复活” 说明了祂胜过罪恶与死亡的辖制,也证实祂是“义”的。就如哥林多前书15:14,17节所说,若耶稣没有复活,我们今天所“传”所“信”的就枉然,我们都仍然活在罪中。感谢赞美主,耶稣的复活保证了信祂的人,罪得以蒙赦免!

⒉ 耶稣的复活完成了“荣耀的身体”




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