Imposter Alert! 提防仿冒者


Author: Sis Grace Gan

It is a lifelong burden to be given the name ‘Grace’. Be it always being called out to say grace at meals, or an unspoken expectation to live up to the name in being ‘gracious’, ’full of grace’ etc. But surely God has a more interesting purpose for my name.

During my last cell group session on ‘Overcoming Success’ from the life of Joseph (shout out to my cell DLT, Do Life Together!), I learned about the term ‘imposter syndrome’ which refers to an internal belief that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be. Although Joseph was given a huge responsibility to interpret dreams for Pharaoh (aka the king of Egypt, head of government, and high priest of Egyptian temples), he experienced no imposter syndrome because he firmly knew that his competence to interpret dreams and past successes did not come from himself, but God Almighty. He neither devalued himself, nor thought of himself more highly than he ought (Romans 12:3), but instead humbly recognized how God is working through him and confidently accepted his task.

In the light of recent new responsibilities given to me, the faith that Joseph had in God for his success challenged my belief in the source of achievements and abilities that I have. Unlike Joseph, I realized I am often plagued by the imposter syndrome, not because I am humble, but I have not fully recognized that it is God who gifts to me all that I have. If we believe that God is sovereign and in control of all things, then every capacity that we are placed in is by God, and He will equip and enable us to partner Him in doing good work for His glory. We only need to humbly recognize that and rise up to our God-given tasks in confidence, not in ourselves, but God Almighty.

God’s grace is what we receive from God despite not being deserving of it. Recognizing that God is the One who placed me where I am and gave me all that I have is recognizing His grace to me. That allows me to trust and obey Him, and find strength in His grace every living day for His name’s sake.

As I walk with You, I'm learning

What Your grace really means

The price that I could never pay was paid at Calvary

So, instead of trying to repay You

I'm learning to simply obey You

By giving up my life to you

For all that You've given to me

- Grace by Laura Story

As I receive, may I give.


被取名为‘Grace’(恩典的意思) 似乎是一辈子的担子。像是常常被叫做饭前祷告,或是时刻都要人如其名般,是高尚的,亲切的等等。但我的名字在神的旨意中应该比这些更具有意义吧。




与祢随行  明白你恩典的真谛

十字架的代价  我怎能还得清

与其偿还  不如顺服你旨意

为祢的付出  我献上自己

《恩典》Laura Story


The Hope of Resurrection 耶稣复活所带来的盼望


We Love, Because God First Loved Us 我们爱,因为神先爱我们