To be the Certain Kind 成为某确类


Author: Dea Nick Lim

Teach them his decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave. 21 But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens
— Exodus 18: 20-21

I would like to thank Pastor Andrew for introducing this book: A Certain Kind by Reverend Edmund Chan. It helps me to understand the true meaning of Intentional    Disciple-making Church (IDMC) and enriched me professionally on leadership. I am convinced that intentional disciple-making should be carried out both in small groups (decentralise) as well as in a person-person (mentoring) as I have experienced in our own cell group structure, the dedication from Rev Ng and Ps Andrew.  

Back to why I say this book has also enriched me professionally. I will use mentoring as reference since I went through mentoring program in my company. As stated in this book: The key to winning today and creating an organisation that will win again   tomorrow is mentoring.

What are some key benefits of mentoring?

1. Changes lives – Mentoring serve as personal support system for the mentored and allow mentee tap into a wider resource for growth.

2. Helps mentor to grow – Wise mentors know that in helping others, they are actually helping themselves as true learning is a mutual 2-way process.

3. Expands the leadership base – Those who is positively mentored can be groomed to be leaders, thus the leadership base expands.

4. Worthwhile investment – Personal fulfilment comes from the realisation that we are investing ourselves in lives and reproducing spiritually.

As manager of my team, I begin seeing myself constantly looking out to my team and extend my coaching to individual. My team is just like a small group and I have the opportunity to give person-person mentoring to weaker team members or strong candidate as future leaders. 

Lastly, I would like to use Leadership by Mobilisation as discussed in this book to end off. Unless we mobilise the entire church towards action, nothing happens. As board members our primary role is to seek God’s agenda for the policies of the church and be the custodians of them. Therefore we have to start mobilising now. Let us  render our support to Rev Ng and Ps Andrew and march towards our mission and Intentional Disciple-making Church (IDMC).



— 出埃及记18:20-21




1. 改变生命—对于接受督导的人,督导相等于一种支柱,让他能够利用更广泛的资源,得到成长。

2. 督导本身的成长—有智慧的督导者明白在帮助他人的同时,自己也在帮助自己,因为真正的学习是双向的。

3. 扩大领导资源—受到良好督导的人可以被训练成为领袖,从而扩大领导资源。

4. 有价值的投资—当我们意识到自己正在把生命‘投资’在别人的生命里,帮助他们有属灵成长时,那是非常有成就感的。




Unauthorised (Strange) Fire 不可献上的凡火


The Hope of Resurrection 耶稣复活所带来的盼望