Serving 事奉

Author : Sis Oh Siew Cheng

Translator: Sis Charis Ong

Why do Christians need to serve? With what kind of attitude do we serve?

I attended a programme called ‘Experiencing God’ when I was a young adult. The lessons learnt helped me even to this day. I am thankful to have this chance as I learnt a lot from that programme, it helped me understand the importance of building a love relationship with the Lord. The programme also taught us how to seek His will and to understand that serving is to participate  in His kingdom work, and we need to do so wholeheartedly, with an attitude of humility and obedience.

To me, serving is a form of response to God’s love and allowing Him to use me for His work. Although our challenges and physical energy differ greatly at different stages in life, in the kingdom of God, so long as we are willing to look around and take the initiative to understand the needs of God’s kingdom, there will be many areas that we can serve in. We need to approach serving with a humble heart and be willing to learn and be committed. This is the attitude we ought to have when we serve God!

There was a period when I did not serve and spent a lot of time my time and energy at work. In the end, I burnt out. I used the remaining time that I had after work to watch TV programmes instead of drawing near to God. Thankfully God reminded me, and I was able to realise my mistake. I started to rebuild my relationship with God, and gradually returned to serving. It was difficult to start out again in the beginning, and it took a lot of willpower to maintain that.

I take this opportunity to remind myself and encourage everyone not to stop serving God because of various reasons but continue to do what we can at our different life stages.

文: 胡秀清姐妹









A New Life in Christ 在基督里崭新的生命