A New Life in Christ 在基督里崭新的生命

Author : Rev Ng Eng Keng

Translator: Sis Charis Ong

The saying is trustworthy, for: If we have died with him, we will also live with him
— 2 Timothy 2:11

Jesus was nailed to the Cross because of His love for the world. But this is not the end of the story! It is because eventually, Jesus overcame death and was resurrected! His resurrection brings hope of an eternal life and victory to all who believe in Him.

(1)  Resurrected Life

All who believe in Christ will gain this “resurrected life”. The                  resurrected life gives power to those who believe, to break free and               overcome death. In the spiritual sense, a “resurrected life” does not               belong to this world anymore but belongs to God and is a new life with eternal hope!

(2)  Victorious Life

For those who believe in the Lord, their lives are a “victorious” one. The resurrection of Christ has defeated the sting of death. Sin and death have no more hold over Christians who have a resurrected life in Christ. So long as we abide in him, we can receive the abundant grace and freedom in Christ!

Today is a day worth celebrating, as we witness the baptism of 5 members and membership transfer of another two. Especially to our brothers and sisters who are baptised, today is the day that your spiritual lives enter another stage. As your old selves died with Christ, you will  receive a new life that is brimming with power and testimony because of Christ! 

文: 黄永庆牧师

— 提摩太后书 2:11


⑴ 复活的生命


⑵ 得胜的生命

信靠主的人,他的生命是“得胜”的。耶稣因着“复活”,胜过那掌死权的恶魔。罪恶与死亡对那些已经拥有主耶稣复活生命的基督徒再也没有任何辖制的能力。只要我们常常“住在” 祂里面,就能享受祂所给我们那丰盛的恩典,并在基督里的自由!



Serving 事奉


Do Not Be Anxious About Tomorrow不要为明天忧虑