Author : Bro Ben Quek

In the Old Testament, the first dwelling place of God was Moses’s Tabernacle. Moses’s Tabernacle was a moveable tent that carried many holy items, one of it being the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant was a wooden box overlaid with gold, signifying God’s Presence and Glory. Now, I would like all of us to fix our attention on these two words: tent & box.

In the New Testament, it is written: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, …” (John 1:14, ESV). The expression “dwelt among us” can be literally translated as “tabernacled” or “pitched His tent”. What an interesting, but intentional expression used! John no doubt used this expression because of his Jewish readers; this allusion to the Tabernacle of old would immediately spring to the forefronts of their minds! Just like how the Tabernacle carried the glory, the glory of the LORD is now in our midst in the form of a son of man, the promised Messiah!

And again, in Luke, it is written: “And she gave birth to her firstborn son … and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7, ESV). The manger is a box made of wood or stone, made to feed animals, and there ‘the little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head’ . Again, we see an allusion to the Tabernacle of old – the Ark of the Covenant! Just as the Ark signified God’s presence and glory, in the same way the glory of the LORD is here through the Promised Saviour – ‘fullness of God in helpless Babe’  - in a box!

Lastly, the book of Hebrews tells us: “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of His nature, …” (Hebrews 1:3 HCSB). In Greek, the word for glory means that which is made visible and tangible. How beautiful and powerful is that! The Birth of Christ is the manifestation of the glory & fullness of God Himself (which heaven and the highest heavens cannot contain) amongst us! How we fail to grasp the glory and wonder that is found in Christmas!

Dear ECF, may our hearts not be hardened to this precious and potent truth, that is able to transfix & transform us, as we, with unveiled faces, behold His glory with the eyes of our hearts! Holy Spirit, help us! Let’s not take Christmas as just another holiday, but instead join in with the angels and the saints in singing this refrain to the glorified Christ:

“O come let us adore Him // O come let us adore Him

O come let us adore Him // Christ the Lord” 


在旧约里,上帝的第一个居所就是摩西的帐幕。摩西的帐幕是个可移动的帐棚,里边有许多圣物,其中一件便是耶和华的约柜。耶和华的约柜是个裹上精金的木柜,象征着神的同在和荣耀。我想让大家把注意力集中在这两个词上:“帐棚” 及“木柜”。





“起来虔诚同崇拜// 起来虔诚同崇拜

起来虔诚同崇拜// 主基督”


More Loved Than You Know神真的好爱好爱你


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