Reflection On Martha’s Attitude Towards Serving 马大服事态度的反思

Author : Sis Teo Geok Lai
Translator: Sis Charis ong

Luke 10:38-42

 Recently, our cell group started on a Bible Study series called Mary and Martha - Balancing Life’s Priorities. One of the lessons drew from Luke 10 : 38-42, exploring the attitudes of Mary and Martha towards serving.


The Bible records that Martha invited Jesus and His disciples to her house and hosted them warmly by preparing a lot of good food for them. Such a scene must be familiar to hospitable sisters in our midst. When there are guests coming to our home, I believe we will go to great lengths to prepare a feast for them so that they may be left with a good impression.


In this case, Jesus however praised Mary, saying that she has chosen what is better. Is it wrong of Martha to be so attentive to her guests? Or that she did not do well enough?  Martha is, in fact, someone who loves the Lord, who is passionate about serving, and is hardworking. Jesus is neither rebuking Martha, nor negating her service, but saying that Martha is busy with, frustrated with, and distracted by the mountain of work to the extent of grumbling against and blaming others.


This might be a response that most people will have when faced with stress and trouble. Indeed, there are many things in life that will cause us to lose our inner peace. We appear to have forgotten to slow down our pace, to first come before Jesus, draw close to Him and seek Him for help, and lay down all our troubles and stress at His feet because we know deep down in our hearts that God will care for us.


My dear brothers and sisters may God help us to have Martha’s attitude towards serving the Lord and at the same time, a heart like Mary’s that seeks the Lord.












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