How To Walk In The Path Of The Blessed 如何走蒙福人生的道路

Author : Bro Lock Chee Peng
Translator: Sis Charis ong

How To Walk In The Path Of The Blessed

When people face troubles that they cannot resolve, they will come to God’s throne of grace and compassion to seek help. When the problem is resolved, they will ‘believe in Christ’, repent, and receive Christ as their Saviour and the Lord of their lives.


Should we who belong to God not regard Him as Lord, and allow Him to have dominion over our lives, then we might end up chasing after worldly things such as wealth, ability, health, love, familial relationship, children, marriage, career, academic achievement, physical beauty, personal dignity, and perhaps the sense of achievement from serving in Church and use them as an indicator of our happiness.

We frequently mistake God’s compassion for an entitlement and feel that He ought to bail us out of trouble all the time. If the problem is not resolved, our ‘faith’ will be shaken. We will start to grumble against the Lord, throw tantrums, perhaps even stop attending Church and meetings, and eventually leave the Church altogether.

Many times, the suffering we endure from trials is a result of the sinful nature of men, for example, the natural disasters due to mismanagement of the environment by humans; health issues arising from contagious diseases; and pain from sinning against each other. On top of that, when we chase after the wrong things in life and make wrong decisions, such as using unscrupulous means to attain wealth, career gains, and reputation, even to the point of sacrificing the family, and ignoring the guidance and  reminders of the Lord, resulting in inability to make the right judgment call. We must admit that even a blessed child who believes in the Lord can have problem following Him wholeheartedly when he loves the world too much.

Dear brothers and sisters, if we are willing to come before the Father with humility and adjust our attitudes to submit to His guidance, through sharing, encouragement, and accountability in Church fellowship, we can, in this imperfect world, walk towards a blessed eternity, step by step. Let us never forget that it is the Father’s will to bless us, His sons and daughters. Let me encourage us all with the two verses below:


“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

“he will bless those who fear the Lord, both the small and the great.” (Psalms 115:13)











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