Encouraging Our Group Leaders At Church 鼓励我们教会的小组组长

Author : Bro Nicholas

Another year has just passed on so quickly. Upon reflection, we can all agree wholeheartedly that time is a precious resource that God has given to us but often take for granted. Another precious resource that God has given us are our leaders at church.

But why encourage your leader? Let me give you three reasons.

Firstly, it’s a simple act of obedience. The Bible calls us to encourage each other (1 Thessalonians 5:11), leaders included. The ideal is that they can do their ministry “with joy and not with groaning” (Hebrews 13:17).

Secondly, it’s an expression of love. Jesus has loved us and given us leaders as a gift (Ephesians 4:11). It’s right and good that we now love not only our friends but also the leaders God has put over us, with a patient, kind, polite, unresentful love (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). Encouraging your leaders is a simple way of loving them.

Thirdly, there’s not so many leaders around that we can afford to burn through them each year. Group leaders don’t respawn. If they tap out due to discouragement, there isn’t necessarily anyone lining up to take their place. We need to encourage the ones we have.

I think there are three main ways to encourage your group leaders, which are attendance, submission, and spiritual transformation.

Firstly, encourage your group leader by turning up to your group (and church). in Hebrews 10:24-25 it says “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near”. The message is clear: keep meeting together! When group leaders prepare a study and people don’t come, they are unsurprisingly discouraged. This is how leaders feel when you don’t turn up. With the covid-19 situation improving across most developed nations including ours, it will be encouraging for your group leaders to see you attend cell groups and church in person!

Secondly, encourage your group leaders by submitting to their leadership. The author of Hebrews writes: “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account” (Hebrews 13:17) and (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13). In practice, It means following their lead in group time—contributing when they ask a question; praying when they invite prayer; being keen for the group social, group ministry or weekend away they initiate.

Thirdly, encourage your leaders by being spiritually transformed during your time in the group. Teachers and coaches stay in the job when they can look back over the year and see that their class or team has grown together in skills, character and teamwork. It’s rewarding, and it’s the same in small group ministry.

Encouragement can sprout quickly. For example, it only takes a couple of weeks of your full attendance to cheer a leader. And how about a quick thank-you text to your leader now? Finally, of course, pray for your leaders. Paul regularly asks for prayer from his people (e.g. Romans 15:30-32; 2 Corinthians 1:11; Philippians 1:19; Colossians 4:2-4). Your small group leader should be someone you pray for every week.





第一: 那是一种顺服的表现。圣经告诉我们,我们要彼此鼓励(帖前5:11),这也包括了领袖在内。若是他们能够带着‘喜乐而不是呻吟’做他们的事工,那是最理想的了。(来13:17)







鼓励是可以迅速萌芽的。比如,你的组长可能因为你连续两周出席小组而受到鼓励。又或者,你可以发一则简单的简讯给你的组长,向他道谢。最后,也别忘了为你的组长祷告。保罗常常请他的子民为他祷告(罗15:30-32,林后1:11,腓1:19,西 4:2-4)。而你的组长应当是你每周为之祷告的人。


Reflection On Martha’s Attitude Towards Serving 马大服事态度的反思


Rejoice Always, Pray Without Ceasing, Give Thanks 常常喜乐,不住的祷告,凡是谢恩