Prayer Is An Attitude Of Life 祷告是一种生活态度

Author : Brother Eric Ng

Prayer is an attitude of life rather than an action of lips or making a              request from our heavenly Father. Prayer is spiritual communion with God as in thanksgiving, adoration, or confessions. Jesus teaches us that whatever things we ask in prayer should be a private time between us and God, but our prayers should be sincere and for the right motives instead of for our worldly desires.

God taught us the correct motives & attitude in prayer through the Lord’s Prayer. “Letting God’s kingdom come first”, means to let your life be transparent for God and let God’s will and His purpose show through in our daily life. That’s what it means for God to be the king in our lives. Besides this, we pray continually concerning 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by     prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request to be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
— Philippians 4:6-7

From my first belief in Christ, I started to learn about prayer and making my request known to God as is quoted in Philippians 4:6.  However, my attitude was that God must reply to my request. As a result, I often faced disappointments and troubles in my faith in God. Moreover, the foundation of my relationship with God was built upon a request and answer process. As a result of such a relationship and my attitude toward prayer, I ended up with a corrupted heart in my daily spiritual walk. After struggling for many years with my relationship with God, I finally understood this truth. God never promised us a smooth sailing life according to our human plan.


Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians, encouraging the believers to embrace and follow the way of Jesus that will transform lives and give us values of humility and obedience to Him. Finally, I always remind myself that “our fleshly sight so often blinds us or gets in the way of our faith and our relationship with our heavenly Father”.




— 腓立比书 4:6-7




Responsibilities of a Christian Parent 身为基督徒父母的责任


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