Responsibilities of a Christian Parent 身为基督徒父母的责任

Author : Brother Noel Yu

A child is a blessing from the Lord and the Lord charges parents with a tremendous  responsibility to raise the child in His ways and establish a godly foundation upon Jesus.
— Deut 6:1, 2, 7

A child is a blessing from the Lord and the Lord charges parents with a tremendous  responsibility to raise the child in His ways and establish a godly foundation upon Jesus. (Deut 6:1, 2, 7)

When our children are still young, we dedicate them to the Lord and vow publicly to raise them according to God’s ways and not our own ways. (Ephesians 6:4) However, our commitment to raising our children in the ways of the Lord doesn’t end there. The following is a list of some of the things we can do as parents to keep our vow.

Pray for our children constantly

Our responsibility to pray for our children continues until the day the child commits his/her own life to the Lord (Job 1:5) and beyond. Praying for our children and their needs and inviting them to pray with us should become a daily practice.

Teach them the ways of the Lord

Ephesians 6:4 and Proverbs 22:6 teach us that we need to bring our children up in the way of the Lord. Apart from bringing our children to Children’s or Youth Ministry, personal day-to-day instruction helps our children understand how to view moral and ethical decisions from God’s perspective.

Be a living example of Christ to them

The number one witness to our children is the godly example set by our own lives.   Proverbs 20:7 says, “The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him.” The children are blessed because they have godly examples through their parents they can follow.

The best way to be that witness is through a disciplined life of studying the Bible, prayer, fellowship, and faithful service to God. Your life will reflect the very character of God more and more each day and your children will witness that reflection.

Discipline them in the same manner the Lord disciplines us

The book of Proverbs teaches many practical aspects concerning the discipline we are to provide for our children. However, any discipline we give to our children should be done for their profit and not out of our frustration. We discipline our children in the same way the Lord disciplines us. (Hebrews 12:5-11) God never strikes at His children   in anger, and we shouldn’t either. Instead, we should explain to them why we are disciplining them, we carry out that discipline, and then—most importantly— we show our love for them just as God has shown us His love.

文: 余汉伟弟兄

— (申命记6:1,2,7)







对孩子而言,父母以身作则,树立敬虔的榜样,是最首要的见证。箴言20:7 说到 “行为完全的义人,他的后代是有福的。” 因为有父母所树立的榜样可以效仿,所以义人的孩子才有福。成为美好见证的最佳方法便是通过自律的生活,勤于查经,祷告,团契,及忠心地侍奉上帝。你的生命将渐渐地反映出上帝的品格,而孩子们也将观察到这一点。




Living By Faith以信心活着


Prayer Is An Attitude Of Life 祷告是一种生活态度