The Favor of God Will Open a Way 上帝的恩惠将开辟一条道路

Author: : Dea Nick Lim

By your favor you make us strong.
— Psalm 89:17

The Covid19 pandemic has resulted many Singaporean either loss their job or have to take pay cut. Companies faces closure or suffer loss due to nature of their business. I work in IT industry and my company produces personal computer.

Despite the pandemic, our industry boomed when Work From Home (WFM) became the default government policy. There was an accelerated demand for personal computers. This resulted in huge pressure to meet demand and contract obligations.

Over the past few months, I managed to ride through this hectic period with hard work, forward planning, anticipation and experience. However, in September, I faced a huge challenge of not meeting a large contract obligation due to insufficient component supply and delay in production. I tried every way and means I could to salvage the situation, but it just didn’t work because the manufacturing and parts shortages were just too severe. I was on the verge of giving up. This bible verse came to my mind. Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” Matthew 7:7.

On 25th September, I received news from our manufacturing team that there was a huge order cancellation from our Europe office and we can actually leverage this material. It was like a miracle.  Though this material couldn’t produce the same model order of our large contract, but I had peace within and felt that customer might be able to accept our alternate proposal. Within 24hours, we managed to convince our customer to switch the contracted model and we managed to have our manufacturing plant to start production and deliver the products before China Golden Week. A process that usually takes 8 weeks, was completed within 7 days!

From this experience, I learnt that a failure humbles us and makes us more dependent upon God. But, when we pray within His will, in the authority of Jesus, persistently, unselfishly, and in faith, we will receive what we need.


— 诗篇 89:17




9月25日,我收到来自制造团队的消息,得知欧洲办事处取消了很多订单,而我们实际上是可以使用这种材料。这就有如一个神迹,尽管这种材料无法生产与我们合同相同的模型订单,但我心里非常平安,并深信客户会接受我们的替代建议。在24小时内,我们成功说服客户,答应采用这替代模式,而工厂也可以在中国黄金周之前开始生产并顺利把产品完成。原本需要8周才能完成的生产,我们却能在           7天内完成!



Rely on God, the Lord of Hosts 依靠万军之耶和华


Spiritual Warfare 属灵的争战