Spiritual Warfare 属灵的争战

Author: : Ps Andrew Xu

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.
— 2 Corinthians 10:3-4

Dear ECF Holy Word Church, I always give thanks to our Lord Jesus for the chance to strive and partner with every one of you in God’s mission for us. When we are serious and passionate about doing God’s word in unity, the evil one will be very disturbed. Therefore, we will meet with many disturbances from the evil one. Every time when we are doing God’s work, somehow something “dreadful” happens. In such times, how do we respond to these “dreadful” events? Our usual ways of responding to such situations would be to try and “solve” the problem with all our might so that we may be able to remove all barriers and continue to serve. Such an attitude is admirable, but we often neglect an especially important aspect. We forgot that this is first and foremost a spiritual warfare.

In the scripture above, it is from a letter written to the Corinthians church by Paul. Paul at that time is facing attacks from all fronts, both internally within the church and from without surrounding him. There are leaders in the Corinthians church who are leading the church through fleshly means by persuasiveness. Yet, Paul dealt with them with meekness, gentleness and humility. But some of them look upon Paul as “weak and powerless” a leader. Though Paul is facing many challenges and attack, but he did not use fleshly ways against them. In the scripture above, Paul affirmed that “though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power. “ Paul did not choose to use fleshly ways against the attacks of the evil one when they come but rather use weapons from God.

Church, when we continue to march towards fulfilling God’s vision for our church, we will face attacks from the evil one. We might meet personal difficulties in our lives, we might be misunderstood in ministry like Paul, the attacks can come in varied forms. But the key thing is that when the evil one strikes, what would our response be?

Dear brothers and sisters, our weapons for this spiritual war is not of flesh but from God. Let us come together before God to look out for each other, intercede for each other and encourage each other with the Word of God. When we face the attacks of the evil one, hold tight to the hand of Jesus as we walk through the storms with Him!


我们虽然在世上行事,却不是按照世俗的方式作战,因为         我们作战所用的兵器,不是属于这世界的,而是在神面前有能力的,可以攻陷坚固的堡垒。
— 哥林多后书 10:3-4






The Favor of God Will Open a Way 上帝的恩惠将开辟一条道路


The Power of The Word of God 神的话是充满能力