Rely on God, the Lord of Hosts 依靠万军之耶和华


Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng
Translate: Ps Andrew Xu

…You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts…
— 1 Samuel 17:45

In a battle, if your soldiers are better trained and stronger than the enemy’s and weapons are more advanced, the probability of you winning the battle is almost certain, but in a spiritual battle it isn’t the same.

In 1 Samuel 17, the bible describes a giant of a Philistine, Goliath. He is covered with full armor to protect him and he has the best of weapons. Yet with all he is and all he has, he still ultimately lost the battle to David, someone who is tiny in comparison, wearing only what a shepherd boy wears (without armor) and with only a sling used to chase wild animals away in hand. The reason for David’s victory over Goliath is in the strategy they employ.

When David is facing the “giant”, he was very steady and walked to Goliath. He knew clearly that this battle would not be one that rely on his own strength and weapon, but one where he “come to” Goliath in the name of the Lord of hosts. David’s strategy of “trusting in faith” allowed him ultimate victory over Goliath!

Dear brothers and sisters, in our journey in life, there would be “giants” coming from various aspects of our lives. These “giants” can come from ourselves, family, work and even when you are serving God in ministry! I ask then, when you are facing these “giants”, what strategy do you employ? Do you rely on yourself and your ability or do you like David, put your trust and cast your faith in the Lord of hosts?


…你来攻击我是靠刀、靠矛、靠枪 但我来攻击你是靠万军之耶和华的名…
— 撒上17:45






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