Waiting Upon God 等候耶和华

Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng
Translated by: Ps Andrew Xu

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord.
— Psalm 27:14

Waiting is not an easy thing to do, waiting sometimes will cause us to think that God is not listening or cares about our cries to Him! But in our journey of following the Lord, “waiting” is an integral part of our spiritual growth.

Waiting allows the Christian to stop and rest, to put down the busyness of ministry and to have the chance to “reflect” and “seek” God’s will. In our reflection, we will notice our inadequacies and need for correction. We will also have ample time to come before God in earnest prayer to seek His guidance for us!

From this verse, we also learn to have a heart that is “strong” and “courageous” when we come before the Lord. It is when we have these important qualities that we can persevere in “waiting”. Just as what Moses counselled Joshua in front of the people of Israel before Joshua led them into the promised land. “Be strong and courageous, for you shall go with this people into the land that the Lord has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall put them in possession of it.” (Deuteronomy 31:7)

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we learn the lesson of “waiting”. There are many ministries in church that are affected by the pandemic and that required us to adjust and for some ministries even stop. From the surface, it might look like it is a negative influence to church growth. But if we allow ourselves to quieten down and reflect, we will realize that God is transforming us and the church through the circumstances.

From June onwards the pastors and leaders of the church had more time to wait upon and spiritually inspect the ministries of the church. God also used this time to remind us once again the vision of the church, that is to “be a disciple-making church among our communities”. So that, we will be able to move toward the vision in a more concrete way in our pastoral care and ministries. Dear brothers and sisters, let us prepare ourselves, so that we can all become Christ-like disciples.


— 诗篇二十七14







The Power of The Word of God 神的话是充满能力


Give And Gain “施”与“受”