Give And Gain “施”与“受”

Author: Dea. Ho Kang Hao

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
— 2 Corinthians 9:7

I learnt this lesson the hard way. I pray that you will understand the true meaning of blessing and be inspired by this story.

I was not considered rich, just an average wage earner like most of us who are known as ‘’Sandwich Class”. I started working since 22, and I still remember the excitement when I received my first paycheck. Heavy commitments piled up over the years. I got married at 27 and has 2 boys. I am also serving in the church as a deacon. My life goals naturally shifted towards my family and my solution was to work doubly hard to provide them a comfortable life. I chased after achievements, climbed up the corporate ladder. You might think that this is perfectly alright, but something is amiss. I did not feel fulfilled with what I had, conversely, I felt emptier than ever. My goals seem drifted away.

That’s when I made a tough but sure decision. I prayed for God’s guidance and His control over my life. I quitted my stable job (with no income) and to focus on God’s ministry. Instantly, the light is bright on my path ahead. Not forgetting my responsibilities as a father, I still have to meet end needs! But by God’s grace, every penny I received then was indeed His blessing and now am truly grateful for His providence through this ‘fearful’ but rejoicing journey. That defining moment God was telling me, ‘My grace is enough for you. I am your provider and you shall not be deprived.’

The Virtue of Generosity

In Matthew 23:23, Jesus corrected the Pharisees for how they were tithing and redirect them to what they should do with the tithe instead. Jesus validates it and makes sure the heart of generosity is present when tithing, not self- motivation.

We, as follower of Jesus, are called to tithe and be generous. Ultimately, the emphasis is not on the obligation to give. Because God first loves us, he provides us with our daily bread so that we can be free from secularity and focus on him alone. And because of this, grace is upon all that we received and should be submitted to God for His glory. It is an outward expression of obedience. God does not look at what you give, but at the heart that gives.


— 哥林多后书 9:7








Waiting Upon God 等候耶和华


When We Are Tired 当我们累了的时候