When We Are Tired 当我们累了的时候

Author: Ps Andrew Xu

He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted, but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
— Isaiah 40:29-31

I believe everyone have their fair share of times we feel exhausted. This is natural. It may be physical exhaustion or an emotional one. When we are exhausted, rest is the best remedy, to rest is for the long haul. What each consider rest is varied. Some find exercising restful, but I personally find it tiring. I like to turn on my air-con, play some music and read or I can go to the beach for some breeze and soothing waves. Others may find playing computer game relaxing, or even going out for makan with kakis. These methods of rest are good, it rests us up physically and emotionally. But have we thought of going back to God for rest? Exhaustion may come from physical and emotional tiredness. But the root cause of exhaustion may be spiritual. We may have drifted away from God without realizing ourselves.

The passage above from Isaiah reminds us of some truth:

1. God grants strength to those who need it
God is willing to lend you his strength and power. It is in His will to give power to the faint and strength to the weak. God is willing to give us power and strength for everyday too!

2. Everyone can be exhausted
Getting exhausted and tired is not the exclusive rights of a few. Everyone grows tired. The scripture tells us that youths too grow faint and young men exhausted. No one is spared from exhaustion, which includes you and me!

3. Our strength is renewed through waiting for the Lord
How do we renew our strength? To wait upon the Lord. Are you missing the God element in your everyday routine? It may seem to be counterproductive to wait… but waiting upon the Lord is different. When we come before the Lord in waiting. We can expect something. Strength renewed! We shall mount up with wings like eagles; we shall run and not be weary; we shall walk and not faint. Plan waiting upon the Lord into your daily routine today!

文: 许燕杰传道

— 以赛亚 40:29-31

相信大家都有感觉到疲乏、无力的时候。这是自然的,无论是身体或者是心灵都会有累的时候。当累的时候,最好的解药就是休息。休息是为了走更长远的路。 每个人休息的方式都不一样。有些人休息的时候喜欢做运动,我个人就很不喜欢运动。我休息的时候喜欢开着冷气,听着音乐,阅读一本书。或者,去海边吹吹海风,听听海浪波涛的声响。其他人则是打电动,或者找朋友出去吃个饭。这些解压和休息的方式都不错,他们能够让我们疏解压抑的情绪,也能够让我们疲惫的身体得以恢复。但在你疲乏的时候是否会想到可以回到上帝那里得着安息与得力呢?其实,许多时候我们的疲乏并不单是身体和心灵的问题,而是我们与神的关系疏远了。


1.   上帝愿赐力量给需要的人

2.   任何人都可能困倦和跌倒

3.   仰望耶和华就能从新得力


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