The 3 Forces Pulling The Church Forward 拉着教会往前走的三股力量

Author: Bro.Goh Han Keng
Translator: Dea. Daniel Xu

Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.
— Philipians 2:2

The Russians have a folk song called Troika.  The Troika is also a carriage in the 17th century    originally used to delivery mail. The Troika is pulled by 3 horses with the rider and a bunch of letters and parcels. Back then, it is considered hard work to be riding through the vast Russian landscape sending letters to their destination

To deliver letters to its recipients was the primary mission for these mail man, but in the process, he has got to keep the 3 horses running in cadence pulling the carriage forward. In this scene I see the carriage, the mail man, the letters, and the 3 horses working in synergy. It        reminds me of the intricate relationship of the church, its leaders, and the gospel with its 3 “horses” (namely are people, money, life).

The three basic conditions of the three forces driving the church forward are:

1. The church needs faithful believers. The more believers, the stronger we are.

2. The church needs adequate financial resources and reserve to sustain and develop ministries.

3.  The believers need a solid foundation in their faith to last the distance.

The mail man are the church leaders, tasked with delivering the letters into the hands of the intended recipients. In another word, to deliver the word of God into the hearts of God’s chosen. Like the mail man, he needs to work with a team to care for these 3 horses so that they are strong and obedient to complete the job at hand.

How do we keep these 3 horses running in cadence? The spiritual and administrative leadership in church needs to work closely together in good leadership with a broad base of knowledge to maintain a dynamic equilibrium in our people, finance, and life of the church.     Simply put, the financial resources of the church come from the offering of its members. The members attitude towards financial offerings largely stems from the condition of their spiritual life. They need to see the urgency of the gospel message and willingly give unto the church in support of the gospel mission. To achieve cadence in these 3 areas, we need to have a good    number of believers who are strongly rooted in our faith.

As you can see, to complete the gospel mission requires well discipled, loyal, and able leaders who clearly knows the way ahead. These leaders are our pastors, deacons, and council members. And together with a team of dedicated members, we will be able to complete our gospel mission.

What I have painted above is a picture-perfect painting. The fact is that reality usually falls short. All of us have our weaknesses and that is exactly why the church needs to get goals, improve our weaknesses, and enhance our strengths. To see others better than ourselves and to keep learning as we take another step closer to our goal. This is something we all should think about especially with the challenges of COVID-19 as our backdrop.


— 腓立比书2:2




这是一幅理想而完美的图画,在现实中虽然并非如此,会有短处和弱点,         因此,教会有需要设立各项行动目标,优化弱点、强化优点,各人看别人比自己强,勤于学习,向着目标前进。这是我们现今面对全球疫情和各种挑战环境时


When We Are Tired 当我们累了的时候


A Harmonious Family. A Blessed Life 家和万事兴