The Heart of our Father 为父的心

Author: Deacon Timothy Chen

Luke 15: 11-32

An all too familiar story even among our non-believing friends is the parable of the prodigal son. The love and forgiveness of our Father is one who would not choose to scorn at our betraying hearts but long for our return with celebration. I have always only placed myself in the shoes of the prodigal child, feeling assured each time that God will forgive and be compassionate with me when I reunite with him.  However, I have recently been exposed to a different perspective, where we can place ourselves in the shoes of the older brother    instead!

As the story goes, the older brother is a goody two shoes who obeys his father, and works hard for him. This pretty much describes many of us Christians who have been serving in various ministries, who works hard to keep His commandments and are committed to our service in Church. The younger brother in this case, would be our non-believing friends who belong to God and have yet to return to his side! When the prodigal child returned after squandering his inheritance, unlike the Father who rejoices at the return of this prodigal son, his older brother became angry instead. It seems like his sights and heart were focused on the material wealth or inheritance he can get from his father rather than the safety, wellbeing and reunion of his brother. Are we behaving the same then? Do we also share the heart of our father that yearns for our unbelieving brothers? This calls for self-examination on our heart and attitude, and a call to evangelism. Let’s pray for our hearts to be like that of our Father, and be resolved to make conscious efforts to witness and to invite. 

Don’t be mistaken that Evangelism is some grand, big, and seemingly impossible to achieve thing for a non-pastor/church leader. Evangelism can start from smallest things like striking a spiritual conversation or praying with a friend.







Humility 谦卑


Hold Fast What Is Good 好事要持守