Humility 谦卑

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility  value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests  but each of you to the interests of the others.
— Philippians 2:3-4

Author: Pastor Andrew Xu

Humility is a life expression that all Christians should embody. But the definition of humility that we know, and the humility described in the bible is quite different. We often would think that humility is self-deprecating or exalting others. But what does the bible say about humility? “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit”. Selfishness we understand, but vain conceit? Vain conceit is really pride. Then, humility is not about a low self esteem or a kind of envy that others are better than us and therefore we think we are no good. In fact, self-deprecation and low self esteem can be the outward expression of pride rather than humility.

The biblical humility is an expression of selflessness that comes from within and not circumstances without. It is not caused by the outward inability of ourselves or the outward ability of others. But because we received from God the selfless giving out of love and therefore, we are willing to imitate Christ’s example and give selflessly to the people around us. Verse 4 further explains verse 3. “not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” A life of humility is one that is others first. Three signs can be seen in the lives of a person who is humble: Selflessness, Service and Sacrifice.

These 3 signs can be found in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is our example for humility, and we should imitate Him. Jesus is God but He made Himself nothing, incarnate as man. Because of love, God who deserves all glory is willing to become man. This is the greatest selflessness. Not only did Jesus incarnate, but He spent His earthly days serving others, even washing the feet of His disciples. This is the greatest service. Lastly, Jesus was obedient even to death on the cross on Golgotha and paid the ransom for sin with life. This is the greatest sacrifice.

Dear brothers and sisters of ECF, let us learn from our Lord Jesus’ example and be a disciple of humility. A disciple who puts others first. May we be willing to live a life of selfless service, willing to pay the price to sacrifice for others.

— 腓立比书 2:3-4







Only by Grace 唯靠恩典


The Heart of our Father 为父的心