Hold Fast What Is Good 好事要持守

Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng
Translated by: Ps Andrew Xu

But test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

In today’s world, there are many things that will seem good on the surface and are positive, sometime even coherent to biblical teachings. But if we look deeper into the details and “test” them, you will find that they stem from worldly values, even from the devil!

The scripture above says to “test” everything. To test is to use your heart and your wisdom to observe. Especially in this end times, we need to use our God given  wisdom, to discern and observe based on biblical truth, what truly comes from God and what comes from the work of the evil one.

Satan is the one behind who is controlling all “evils”. His very existence is to deceive God’s creation. When Satan saw all the beautiful things that God gave Adam and Eve, he expended all his strength to take these away from them. When Satan saw that King David pleased God, he exhausted all his ways to break the cordial relationship between King David and God. We must remember, do not take all that is good in life for granted, we must hold fast to what is good!

As Christians, we might be facing the doubts, judgement and condemnations from the world:
~The world might condemn us that our moral standards are too archaic and not progressive.
~The world might judge that the way we teach our children is not contemporary and not fitting of the times they are in.
~They might also feel that you are too “obsessed” with your faith and believe.

The way that Christians live their life and approach challenges are often different from the world. But isn’t this what Jesus taught us to be? We are to be the “light” and “salt” of the world, that we should show the world what God stands for!

Dear brothers and sisters, God gave us a sensitive heart that we might understand and know His heart and will, that we might be humble and live out His teachings in our lives. In this world that holds aloft human rights, esteem personal “freedom” and promotes relativism, Christians must have the God given ability to “discern” and “test” what we hear and see. So that we can filter out God’s voice in this noisy world and do the things that truly pleases God!


— 帖前五21-22



撒旦是这一切“恶”背后的掌控者,它存在的目的就是要扰乱神的创造。当它看到神给亚当、夏娃的一切是那么美好,它就想方设法夺走它们;          当它看到大卫王讨神的欢喜,它就设计毁坏大卫与神的关系。让我们谨记,千万不要把生活中美好的事情当着是理所当然,很多的美事,是要“持守”的!



~   他们可能会认为你教养孩子的方法,没有与时并进,不切合时代的需          求;

~   他们也可能觉得你太过“热衷”于你所信的。




The Heart of our Father 为父的心


Remember to Rest 记得休息