Remember to Rest 记得休息

Author: Ps Ben So

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
— Genesis 2:2-3

Working from home (WFH) was becoming a trend and COVID-19 gave it the final push to become the new norm. Where previously there was clear demarcation between the office and home, providing some buffer between work and rest, the lines now are infinitely blurred. To ensure accountability and productivity, there is even an employee-monitoring software for supervisors to check if their subordinates are really working! And since the need for commuting is now removed, some companies are making use of this freed up time for more online meetings. So much so that many have developed a new condition known as screen fatigue where there is a fear of attending webinars.

This phenomenon is also observed in churches where hardworking leaders, in their effort to ensure the welfare of church members, will arrange for more online ministry meetings in their after-work hours. Brothers and sisters, let us just sit back for a moment and reflect upon how we lived our lives for the past few months. Did we truly observe the Sabbath? Are we getting enough rest?

After God finished His work on the seventh day, He rested from all His work. We know that God does not need to rest but He is showing us that we need to rest. This is the standard that God has set for the humankind to follow. Rest is so important that it is one of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:8-11). Moses repeated this Commandment in Deuteronomy 5:12-15 before the Israelites enter into the Promised Land.

I once shared my testimony in one of my sermons at the English service, that I had a major exam on a Monday morning when I was still at the seminary. But I refused to study on Sunday. Instead, I chose to wake up at 4 am on Monday morning to go through my notes once more. My action back then seemed counter-intuitive but I saw this as an expression of my trust in God. To rest is a way of showing trust in God.

Brothers and sisters, in this climate where we are being pushed to work harder than ever, let us learn to rest and trust in God. Let us be reminded that our sole Provider is our Father above.


到 第 七 日 , 神 造 物 的 工 已 经 完 毕 , 就 在 第 七 日 歇 了 祂 一 切 的 工 , 安 息 了 。神 赐 福 给 第 七 日 , 定 为 圣 日 ; 因 为 在 这 日 , 神 歇 了 祂一 切 创 造 的 工 , 就 安 息 了 。
— 创世纪2:2-3


这种现象也出现在教会里。勤劳苦干的领袖们,为了确保牧区得到良好的照顾,在一天辛苦工作下班后,仍要安排网上会议来进行更多讨论。弟兄姐妹们,是时候让我们静下心来,回想一下过去的几个月,我们是如何生活的。我们是否有认真看待安息日? 我们得到充足的休息了吗?




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