The Rhythm of Life 生命的韵律

Author: Ps Andrew Xu

Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
— Matthew 11:28-30

Dear brothers and sisters, blessed day! Singapore is a small island nation without any kind of natural resources. Our only resource is our people, Singaporeans. To excel in the world stage, Singaporeans and Singaporean companies must remain competitive. This is especially so in today’s unstable global economic climate exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. For an open economy like Singapore, the dangers are even greater. Therefore, many are feeling the stress and their lives steeped in despair.

The life of a Christian is just like music. Music is composed of 3 components, the notes, tempo and rhythm. To put it in the perspective of life, the notes is like the things and events that happen in life and the tempo is like the pace of life, some of us faster and some slower, depending on the individual. Rhythm strings the notes and the tempo together in a way that creates beautiful melody. If we only have musical notes and tempo but not rhythm, the sound we create is not music, it is simply noise. A life that is God led and God centered is one that has a rhythm to life. Their lives is filled by the Holy Spirit, the notes and tempo of life is stringed together by God to create beautiful music pleasing to the ears.

Are you feeling troubled because of the things happening in life? Are you feeling breathless because of the suffocating pace in life? If your answer to the above 2 questions is “yes”, perhaps you belong to what the scripture above described as “those who labour and are heavy laden”. Good news! Jesus wants to grant rest for your soul!

I lost 6kgs during the circuit breaker period. I felt a whole lot lighter after losing this weight. Of course, 6kg is like a whole bag of rice! Everything I do now seems easier. I do not get tired that easily and my mood is better too! We need to get rid of the weight that weighs us down in life too. If we are willing to humble ourselves before God and give up the control to the rudder of our lives to Him. God’s rhythm will string up the notes and tempo of our lives together and form a music that belongs to God. It does not matter if there are many or few things happening right now or if your pace of life is fast or slow. If we are led by God’s rhythm, we are in rest. God is gentle and lowly in heart; His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Let us learn from Him and run to Him.


— 太 11:28-30






Remember to Rest 记得休息


Pandemic and the Gospel Mission 瘟疫传播与传福音使命