Pandemic and the Gospel Mission 瘟疫传播与传福音使命

Author: Bro. Goh Hun Keng
Translated by: Ps Andrew Xu

During the onset of the coronavirus outbreak, the experts thought that the virus will not transmit between humans, but within a couple of months, they confirmed human to human transmission. 6 months down the road, there are more than 10 million infected, and more than 500 thousand deaths attributed to Covid-19. The speed and magnitude of infection and spread of the virus is unprecedented. There are a few characteristics of virus spread:

1. The spread starts from the nose of the infected and can spread exponentially from one to many.

2. Can remain dormant for 2-3 weeks before showing symptoms.

3. Some of those infected can remain asymptomatic. The virus spreads to all regardless of race, sex and social status.

There are several measures we can do to prevent being infected. Wearing mask, keeping safe distancing, better personal hygiene (washing hands, changing clothes more often) and regular exercise to keep our body healthy. Though these are effect measures, they are insufficient to totally stop the spread of the virus.

Let us then reflect together from the angle and perspective of our gospel mission, how we can remain healthy spiritually for the furtherance of the gospel? As believers, we are Christians who hold the seeds of the gospel in our lives. How do we continue to preach the gospel to the nations in a world held hostage by a pandemic? Are we wearing masks that prevents the spread of the gospel from our mouth to the world? Are we always keeping a “distance” from those around us, that people cannot come near to us and get to know Jesus? Do we have characteristics of being dormant, not showing any signs of faith even when we have received the gospel in us, that no one recognizes us as Christians?

What is the reason of such weaknesses? For the gospel is the power of God… (Romans 1:15) By right, the gospel should spread much faster and further than Covid-19. Besides Satan trying to stop the spread of the gospel, by means of all kinds of temptation  in the world, anti-Christian influences persecuting Christians and forming standards in the name of freedom that goes against morality. Much of the time, he also makes use of Christians for this purpose. Christians will need to train themselves spiritually, so as to keep themselves spiritually healthy, to prevent the weakness we spoke of above. I believe, if we strengthen our love for the word of God, listen, read and study the word of God with our hearts we can do it. We cannot just read the New Testament but also the Old Testament, because the Old Testament contains the New Testament and the New Testament brings out the Old Testament.

The word of God is full of God’s power, miracles, prophecies and wisdom. Growing our faith in the word of God will provide Christians the power in their lives to live out the word of God. Then, all the obstacles preventing us to preach the gospel in our lives will disappear and we will become a channel for the gospel in the world.








那么是有什么因素造成这些弱点呢?既然福音本是神的大能...(罗马书1:15)照理应该比寇状病毒传得更加快更远吧。我想,除了撒旦用尽各种办法来阻挡福音传播,就是利用世界百般的诱惑、反基督教势力逼害信徒、加上自由世界开放制订违反人性的道德标准等等之外,很大的程度上,取决于我们信徒本身。信徒或许需要有生命时常更新的操练、保持身心灵建壮,以避免犯上以上所提到的弱点。我相信,大家如果加强对圣经话语的喜爱,用心去听、读和查考。而在读圣经时,除了看新约,也要包括旧约,因为“旧约圣经里蕴藏着新约,而新约是把旧约显明出来” 。



The Rhythm of Life 生命的韵律


Good and Faithful 良善与忠心