Good and Faithful 良善与忠心

His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’
— Matthew 25:21

Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng
Translated by: Ps Andrew Xu

The major theme of the gospel of Matthew is the “kingdom of God”. This term is mentioned 26 time in Matthew’s account of the gospel. Whenever Matthew the “kingdom of God” is mentioned, it always brings into focus the ultimate sovereignty of God and His completed work of salvation. In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus, through a parable, shows us the life qualities a follower of Jesus must have to receive commendation from God. What God places value not on the follower’s gifts and abilities, nor is it the achievements we show in the end. So, what does God value? Let us learn from how the master commend his servant in this parable and reflect on the kind of qualities God is really looking for:

Goodness is one of the qualities born out of the fruit of the spirit. What “goodness” emphasizes is not a kind of outward appearance, but kind of “kindness” from within that is founded upon the person’s character and values. Before we know Jesus, it is impossible for us to understand and live out “goodness” fully. Only when we know the Lord and with the Holy Spirit residing in us, can our lives turn from darkness and into the “light”. From then on, we can rely on the Holy Spirit to live a life that is genuinely good.

Did not 1 Corinthians 4:2 also reminded us that: “the requirement of a steward is faithfulness”? What God requires of a person who serves Him is that he remains faithful to God and to the task God assigns. We must continually fulfill our responsibilities as stewards to the tasks that the Lord have entrusted unto us, finishing them faithfully until it is done.

Dear brothers and sisters, as servants of God, if we can be commended by Him as a good and faithful servant, it is the highest honor and glory a servant can receive. The outcome of this parable is that this servant who is good and faithful received great rewards from the master. May we strive to serve God with all our strength, faithfully,   not to please man, but to please God and to bring glory to His name!

— 马太福音 25: 21









Pandemic and the Gospel Mission 瘟疫传播与传福音使命


Final Instructions 最后的训词