The Lord Guides Our Path 耶和华指引道路

Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps
— Proverbs 16:9

In this era of information overload and academic pinnacle, the heart of man is ever further from God. The reason is quite simple because man always wants to use his own way to resolve the issues around him. This is the truth and it could be good too. But we would be penny wise and pound foolish if we allow pride to engulf us and reject God.

1.      “The heart of man plans his way”

Planning for our future is what most would do. A responsible person will plan well for his future. If a young man does nothing daily, loitering around, never planning, and working for the future, we will feel that this young person lacks drive, and would not accomplish much in life.

We should plan for our future as much as possible. As Christians, we also need to make plans actively and positively, this is a good testimony! But never allow yourself to only rely on your own intelligence and ability and sideline God. God must be planning alongside with you and come to be the guide for your life.

2.      “The Lord establishes his steps”

Man needs to plan and allow God to guide? This may sound like a contradiction, but it is not. As God’s children, we plan to the best of our ability for our future, in this aspect, it may seem that we are just like every other person. What is different is that in the process of planning, we actively engage God to guide us. We maintain a close relationship with God so that when our plans are not according to His will, we will know it and be willing to submit to God’s will and let go of our own plans. Following God’s way of establishing the best step forward!

Dear brothers and sisters, please remember, what we have today is all from God. If not by the blessing and protection of God, all that we have can come to nothing instantaneously! Let us be humble and allow our life to be totally in the all-powerful hands of God, allowing God to be our ever-ready guide.

— 箴16:9










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