Be Merciful to Others 怜悯人的人有福了

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
— Matt 5:7

Author: Rev Paul Tong

There is no one who does good and seeks God, Paul says in Romans, chapter 3. Everyone has deviated from the path of righteousness, fallen short of God`s standards. We deserve to perish but God takes mercy on us. He established the Atonement Sacrifice so that we can be saved by faith. Now, our debts are paid and our conscience is cleansed through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all.

Since we have received so great mercy from our Father, and enjoy the privilege of being His children now, we should imitate Him and show mercy to others. James 2: 13 reminds us that if we do not show mercy to others, we will be judged without mercy.

To whom should we show mercy?

Firstly, the newcomers. We have to welcome anyone who comes to the church. James, chapter 2, reminds us not to play favorites by exclusively treating those who look good well.

Secondly, the poor. Even if we can love the Lord and obey His commandments passionately, but are indifferent to the poor, we are hypocritical.

Thirdly, those who suffer. We have to stand firm in our own sufferings and have mercy on those who are in suffering as well.

The fourth, any stranger who is in desperate need. We need to learn from the good Samaritan mentioned in the parable of Jesus to show mercy to the stranger.  Jesus implied in the parable that we may be too busy but we have to stop to take a look and learn what had happened to a man who was beaten half-dead and laid on the side of the road.

The fifth, brothers and sisters who have hurt us in the past. This is to imitate Joseph who was sold to Egypt by his brothers and experienced ups and downs, and hardships.    Joseph didn’t take revenge but save his brothers and their families from famine when he became the prime minister of Egypt after suffering from slavery and imprisonment.

Let's pray together with the following wordings:

"Father! You are the merciful heavenly Father. Thank you for not judging us according to our transgressions. Instead, by our faith conversion, you have given us abundant grace. Sometimes, we think that we are worthy of these because we are better than others, or luckier than others. We are ignorant that it is our responsibility to show mercy to those whom we encounter so that they may know you too, the God of mercy. May they come to know you, receive your mercy and forgiveness in time to come through the showing of our mercy to them although they used to be hostile to you! May you give us a heart of mercy that we can do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with you! In the name of the Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen!"

— 太 5:7)












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