Facing the Challenge of COVID-19 面对冠状病毒的挑战

Author: Bro Sunny Leong

In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
— John 1: 4-5

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

In a few days’ time, we will be approaching Stage 1 Safe Re-opening on 2 Jun 2020.   The past 4 months have been challenging for all of us. We had to change our lifestyle to adapt to many changes. Although we may not like changes, changes will always happen in life.

As a church, how do we adapt to changes and continue to fulfill our vision of being a disciple-making church among our communities?

Our Church

Our church’s traditional ways of gathering for worship, tea reception, and fellowship were affected. We must change because there is a need to change. No gathering of large groups of people, safe distancing measures, and the use of technology. While we hope that things will be back to normal eventually, we wonder what this new normal will be.

Our Community

Jesus is the light. In times of darkness, the church must look beyond our own concerns and see the opportunity to help and reach out to the community. There may be people out of work, elderly needing help in buying of groceries, etc. How can we play a part in the rebuilding of the community?

Our Message

Our lives have forever been changed by Covid-19. What is the meaning of Life when material wealth is no longer the most important? The need for Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour is more relevant now than ever. How do we reach out to our family, friends, and communities with this message?

What does the Bible say about adapting to change?

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” (Jeremiah 29:11, ESV)

All we need to do is to place our trust in God and become more like Jesus Christ in our actions in response to changes. God has promised us that all things will work together for good for those who love Him and obey His commandments!

As our church leaders continue to plan for how our church is going to operate during Covid-19 and beyond, I would like to invite you to join us in prayers for God’s wisdom and guidance. Work with your leaders, heart to heart, hand in hand, and may we grow stronger as we step out of this together.

生 命 在 他 里 头 , 这 生 命 就 是 人 的 光 。 光 照 在 黑 暗 里 , 黑 暗 却 不 接 受 光 。
— 約翰福音 1:4-5



在过几天,即六月二日,我们将进入社交阻断措施逐步解除的第一阶段。            在过去的四个月,深信大家的生活都面对挑战。我们必须改变我们的生活方式以              适应许多的变化。尽管我们都不喜欢改变,但事实是,改变将永远存在。


我们教会所习惯的崇拜、茶点和小组方式将受到影响。我们必须改变,因为   那是必需的。不能有多人的聚会、需要保持社交距离及科技的使用等。我们都期望            疫情结束后,一切都会恢复正常。但是,那新的常规会是怎样呢?

耶稣是世界的光。在黑暗中,作为教会,我们必须超越自身的关注范围,            并看到帮助社区的机会。可能有些人失业、老年人在购买食品时需要帮助等等。          请问我们可以在社区的重建中如何的参与呢?




我们所需要的是信任上帝,并在应对改变的行动中变得更像耶稣基督。上帝 已向我们保证,凡爱祂并遵守祂诫命的人,万事都将会是美好的!

当教会的领袖继续计划,在2019冠状病毒疫情期间、之后以及未来的 运作方式时,我恳请大家一起向上帝祷告,寻求智慧和引导。并与我们的领袖 们一起,全心全意、携手并进,好让我们在走出疫情后,会是更加的坚强!


The Lord Guides Our Path 耶和华指引道路


You Do Not Know 你尚且不得知道