Filled by The Holy Spirit 圣灵的充满 (Part 4)

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
— Acts 1:8

Author: Pastor Andrew Xu

This is the 4th installment of the series on being filled by the Holy Spirit. In the next two pastoral sharing, I will be talking about the power of the Holy Spirit. To understand the power of the Holy Spirit, we need to first understand why God put the Holy Spirit in believers.

To put things into the correct perspective, we must talk about the fall of man. Ever since Adam and Eve fell into sin, the relationship between God and man was broken. To fix this broken relationship, God started a grand plan to restore this relationship and make things right again. This grand plan peaks at the redemptive salvation through Jesus Christ but it does not end there. After the individual redemption and salvation of a person. This person who is saved by the grace of God and through faith in Jesus is officially enlisted. Enlisted as a soldier to complete God’s grand plan and mission, the work of re-creation.

What is the work of re-creation? The work of re-creation is about restoring God’s creation to God’s original intention. When God created the world, He said that it was all good, but sin corrupted it. The work of re-creation then is the restoration to the state of the world to when before sin corrupted it. Although this restoration involves spiritual and physical restoration. This work of re-creation is fully a spiritual affair.

This work of re-creation can only be done by God Himself. Humans do not have the ability to “create”. The limit of human creation is just about making up things within God’s creation. We cannot create something “new” from nothing. Yet, the most amazing thing is that God wants to partner us in this process of re-creation. To do that, humans need to have the power of God. Do not be mistaken, we are not God, but through this God-human partnership, God lends us His power of creation so that we can participate in this work of re-creation. How does He partner with us? By living in us.

Every person saved by Jesus’ redemptive salvation is a new creation (2 Cor 5:17), a seed planted in the larger work of re-creation of the world. God lives in him/her and they start to partner God and participate in the re-creation work of God. How do we participate? By being His witnesses. We will talk more about participation in the re-creation work in my next pastoral sharing.

Dear brothers and sisters, our salvation is not the end of the journey. It is the start of participation in the grand plan of re-creation. Be prepared, you are enlisted.

— 使 1:8






每一个蒙耶稣基督救赎的人都是个新造的人(林后 5:17)。我们的新造是在上帝“重造”大工中种下了一个种子。神内住在人里面,与人配搭,使他人能够开始参与在神“重造”的奇妙工作之中。我们如何参与呢?就是为主做见证。我将在下一次的牧者感言中分享更逗如何参与在上帝“重造”的大工中。



You Do Not Know 你尚且不得知道


Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness 饥渴慕义