Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness 饥渴慕义

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
— ESV, Matt 5:6

Author: Rev Paul Tong

Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Happiness or satisfaction is a feeling from the heart that may not necessarily be derived from your social status, material possessions, or any other physical wealth. However, the Bible gives us the promise that our thirst and hunger can be satisfied if we desire and pursue the righteousness of God.  

There can be no satisfaction for our inner thirst apart from knowing God. Ecclesiastes reminds us of this. Let me rewrite Ecclesiastes’ message in a modern way:

I (Solomon) thought to my heart, “Come on and let me give a try to satisfy myself” I tried to cheer myself with wine, but feel foolish. I let my mind be guided by wisdom, but in the end, it was empty; I had also used tasty food, beautiful women, wonderful dances, and performances to entertain myself.  However, all these never satisfy me but make me feel bored at the end. Vanity of vanities. Where do I go to find permanent happiness?

God places conscience, i.e., the perception and awakening of eternity, into people’s heart (ref. Ecclesiastes 3: 11). Therefore, we can never be satisfied with the wonderful but temporal things that we experience on earth. In fact, the more one obtains, the more hollow one will feel.

John 4: 7-30 recounts that Jesus once shared the gospel with a Samaritan woman. He used “thirst” and “water” to imply that one needed to continuously satisfy his or her thirst, whether it is bodily or sexual, and it would not end. Then, Jesus offered the woman the living water: “The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 2:14). After the conversation, we see a transformation happening in her life within a day. She desired living water. Joy was like living water flowing out of her heart. Her motivation for life was changed – she became so eager to witness for Jesus to the point that she led many people to Christ within a few days.

The Samaritan woman became:

1.     thirsty for living water, i.e., desiring God's righteousness to be fulfilled in her through faith;

2.     thirsty to bear witness for Jesus, i.e., desiring God's righteousness to be fulfilled in others through witnessing.

Our heavenly Father knows your needs. He will give you what you ask for and the greatest thing that He wants to give you is the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:11-13).

May you receive the Holy Spirit and be filled with Him!

— 太 5:6






约翰福音 4:7-30, 叙述了耶稣曾经与一个撒玛利亚妇人分享福音。在谈话中,耶稣用“口渴”和“水”来表达一个人,无论是身体的渴,或是性欲的需要,都要不断的去满足它,但这种饥渴永远不会结束,永远不会满足。

耶稣对撒玛利亚妇人说:“谁喝我所赐的水,就永远不渴。我所赐的水要在他里面成为泉源,直涌到永生。”(约 2:14)。谈话结束之后,我们看到撒玛利亚妇人在一天之内发生了转变:她变得渴望活水,她的快乐就像活水那样,从她心中流出来。她的生活的动机,也发生了变化 - 她变得非常渴望为耶稣作见证,以致她在几天之内带领了许多人归向基督。


1.  渴慕活水 --“渴慕神的义成就在自己的身上”,

2.  渴慕为耶稣作见证-“渴慕神的义成就在别人的身上。

我们在天上的父,知道我们的需要,祂也会赐给我们所需要的,而最大最重要他要给于我们的,就是圣灵(路 11:11-13)。



Filled by The Holy Spirit 圣灵的充满 (Part 4)


A Cord of Three Strands 成为三股合成的绳子