‘One’ Family “一”家人

Author : Rev Ng Eng Keng

Translator: Sister Charis Ong

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call
— Ephesians 4:4

Christians can come together to worship and fellowship with one another, not because we share the same personality, but because we received the same truth from God, and that encompasses three aspects:

1. ‘One Body’

This refers to the church which consists of God’s people, and it is the body of Christ (Ephesians 1:23). Different members form the ‘body,’ each with its own functions, must be willing to take the initiative to cooperate with one another so that the whole body may move at the same pace.

2. ‘One Spirit’

There is only Holy Spirit, therefore the one that resides in you is the same one that resides in other believers. The Holy Spirit is the foundation upon which brothers and sisters in Christ can love and accept one another. If we rely on external actions only, then our love for one another will be transient and hypocritical. The Holy Spirit is what holds the members of the body of Christ together.

3. ‘One Hope’

Everything that belongs to this ‘body’ is headed towards the ‘one’ hope, which is rich and includes the hope of eternal life (Titus 3:3-7); the second coming of Christ (1 Peter 1:13); the inheritance in heaven (1 Peter 1:3-4); the resurrection in future (1 Corinthians 15:19-20); the reward of glory (Philippians 3:14) and so on.

Dear brothers and sisters, being ‘one body’ does not mean we are all the same. God gave different gifts to each one of us so that while we learn how to be ‘one,’ we also have and express our individuality. There is no contradiction between the two, in fact, they are complementary. Everyone in the church has their own unique personality, but the reason we can become ‘one’ family, to come together as one, is because of the 3 ones in our faith. 

文: 黄永庆牧师

— 以弗所书 4:4








凡属於这个身体的,都向着“一个盼望”迈进,这个“盼望”是非常丰富的,包含了永生的盼望(多3:7);基督的再来(彼前1:13);天上的基业(彼前1: 3-4);将来的复活(林前15:19-20);荣耀的奖赏(腓3:14)等等。



The Lord Speaks 主对我说的话


Do Not Be Anxious 不要忧虑