Do Not Be Anxious 不要忧虑

Author : Ps Andrew Xu

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
— Matthew 6:33-34

The recent inflation sparked by pandemic-related supply issues is quite serious. Prices for everyday items have risen quite sharply and we feel the direct impact when we visit the supermarket for groceries. Those in business are greatly affected too. Suppliers raising their prices and staff costs increasing due to inflation-related wage adjustments have compressed margins. Life has become more difficult and it is natural to be anxious. We worry if we would break our family budget and if we could be able to keep our jobs and businesses.

What is the attitude we should adopt in face of such challenges? It is most natural to use our own way to “settle” the problems when we are anxious. We cut our spending, change jobs, work harder, etc… this is what everyone else does, but how are we different? We can be different because we are not orphans, we have God with us. In the face of challenges, we ought to face them by faith.

To give our tithes, serve God, and rely on God when times are good is excellent. But to continue to do that in the face of challenges is when we can see if our reliance on God is on a solid foundation or on the sand. Perhaps you are already thinking about halting your ministry service or skipping a month or two of your tithes. We would expect God to “understand” our circumstances, but no matter if it is the tithe or serving in ministry we are talking about, they are not the main thing God is expecting of us. God expects us to trust and rely on Him fully, surrendering our lives wholly to Him. He wants you. He wants to know if you are truly seeking His kingdom and His righteousness. Tithes and service are but means for Him to remind us of and train us in dependence and obedience to Him.

God loves us very much and He knows what we need. Do you believe in His care for us? He has said:” But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Do not be anxious. Continue to seek His kingdom and righteousness in challenging times and continue to rely on Him by faith. Let us experience God’s grace and providence for us in this season together.

文: 许燕杰传道

— 马太福音 6:33-34






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