New Power for Work 工作的新动力

Author: Sister Jane Chen

Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets
— Luke 5: 5

Many of us might think that the harder we work, the more results we reap. The more we PR network, the more benefits we gain from popularity, promotions, and recognition. However, in Luke 5:5 we can see that Simon and friends worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything but when Jesus told them so, their leap of faith brought them beyond fishes but pure joy because they witnessed something miraculous.

Do we let our work control us to the extent that we don't even notice God has the big catch opportunity for us? Is there an end to this endless self-proving relationship or cost benefit analysis we need to weigh every day in our lives? There will never be lack of fishes in the sea for us to catch, meaning there is no end to work.

For those who are trying so hard to prove and save yourself, God has promised to free you from worldly lies to prove yourself and give you deep rest. God has commanded Sabbath and invites you to take his yoke and find rest for your souls in Matthew 11: 28-30.

May you not only find yourself refreshed in the Lord but to bring faith and works into your workplace where you may demonstrate God’s self-denying love through selfless drive at work. May you understand the new power for work only comes through him, in Jesus name I pray Amen!

作者: 陈晓萍姐妹
翻译: 王佩瑾师母

西门说: 夫子,我们整夜劳力,并没有打着什么。但依从你的话,我就下网 。』
— 路加福音 5:5


我们是否已经让工作控制了我们,以致我们无法意识到其实神已经为我们预备了更大的机会?像这种成日必须证明自己的才能,或是计算成本和效益的日子,是否有终止? 其实,海里的鱼永远捞不完,同样的,工作也是做不完的。




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