Find Us Faithful 鉴我忠诚

Author: Ps Andrew Koh

We will not hide them from their children, telling the generation to come the praises of the Lord, And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done
— Psalm 78:4

This is my first pastoral message for 2022. My New Year resolution this year is to have more personal time to spend with God. 2021 had been a year full of changes for me and I haven’t had many occasions that I can spend long periods of quiet time together with God and it certainly did take a toll on me. I am determined that 2022 will not again be one that is filled with busyness.  

If someone asked me, “What do you want to do for God?” 10 years ago. I would say that I want to achieve great things for God like preaching to 10,000 people in a gospel rally or planting many churches around the world through missions. But over the years, this desire has transformed. Great ambitions without a godly life are empty and dangerous. While we can and should dream God-sized ambitions for God, the foundation of the ambition should come from a very deep relationship with Him. The bigger the ambition, the deeper the inner life you must have with God. More than anything, I want to be found faithful by God and not only that but to be found faithful by the ones who come behind us. To experience God’s work in our lives and live as an example of faithfulness for the generations behind us to see and follow. That they will see that our lives are lived for God and the decisions that we make are made with God in trust and in obedience to God.

We are all examples of faithfulness to the generations after us. They will follow in our footsteps on how we walk with God. It doesn’t matter if you are a pastor or a member of the church, every one of us matters when it comes to this. In this new year, may we all strive to walk closely with God, living a life that is found faithful by God and those who come behind us?


我们不把这些事向他们的子孙隐瞒,却要把耶和华应得的赞美、 他的能力,和他所行的奇事,都向后代的人述说。
— 诗篇78:4





New Power for Work 工作的新动力


Too Comfortable 太舒服了