Jesus Loves You(Matthew 5:4) 耶稣爱你(马太福音5:4)

Author: Sis Jean Ong  

I was in a period of grief last year, having lost my sister Soh Khim in Nov 2019.  It was a difficult time for me, especially during the Circuit Breaker. Whenever I thought of her, I would weep bitterly alone in my room. She was very dear to me. She was my closest friend. We used to do many things together, came to the same church and joined the same fellowship, went for holidays together….

The COVID19 pandemic hit Singapore in late January and NRCS centre had to cease all activities in February. I could only stay in church to work. During the Circuit Breaker, it was especially quiet in the church as there were only my hubby and I in “a big house” all the time. I felt so bored and kept thinking of my sister. I tried to keep myself busy with learning new crafts from Youtube, reading and listening to music so that I could stop thinking of her, but it did not really help. I prayed to God and asked Him many questions about my sister’s passing, but my grief did not go away.

April is a period when flowers bloom. So did the tree in front of our church. Beautiful yellow flowers started to fill the tree, but within days, the flowers started to fall, and the ground looked unpleasant. It was like that for a few days and one early morning around six, I decided to sweep the withered flowers and dry leaves outside the gate of our church.  As I was sweeping, a young Indian man walked to me and said in Mandarin, “Jesus loves you”. I was stunned and I did not know how to react. He repeated himself with the same words and I smiled to him and said, “same to you” in Mandarin. He then walked away.

Suddenly, I realised that God had sent his message of love to me. I believe meeting the Indian man was no coincidence, especially when he only said the three words “Jesus loves you” in Mandarin, and not in English, not any other greetings like “Good morning” or “Shalom”. I felt very much comforted and warm that God understands my loss and my pain.  I still miss my sister, but I am not afraid to talk to others about her.  I can face “her passing”.  Thanks to God for His love and His grace.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4)



去年,我度过了一段悲痛时期。2019年11月,我失去了我亲爱的姐姐,素琴。那是一段特别难过的日子,尤其是在实施阻断措施的时候。每当想起她,我都会偷偷地躲在房间哭泣。她对我而言是十分亲近,也是我最好的 朋友。我们曾经结伴做过许多事,参加同一间教会、同一个团契、一起去旅游……





Applying Ourselves To The Times 把自己应用在时代中


A Legacy of Virtues 值得传承的美德