A Legacy of Virtues 值得传承的美德

Author: Sis Lee Seow Lian
Translator: Sis Charis Ong  

Time flies. It seemed I have gone from being a teenager to a silver-ager in a blink of an eye. I have walked through many storms of life during my years in ECF Holy Word. There were times of grief and there were times of joy, and it was in those moments that we observed virtues in our respected elders who loved the Lord and His church that are worth us modeling after. While there are many whom I will let other brothers and sisters introduce, there are three sisters who I am more familiar with.

Our beloved Elder Tay Swee Lan, who has gone home to the Lord, was well-known for her love for the Lord and the church members. She devoted herself to engaging speakers and securing tithes and better bank interest for the church. Despite the hassle, she would patiently queue up to make the necessary transfer to whichever bank offered better interest rates. That was a very time-consuming process and rather amusing now that we look back. Yet, that was how we grew our finances back then, and the extent she had gone to ensure better financial health for the church. And she was such a moving sight when she gave lessons to the children at Sunday School.

In the earlier days when the church could not find any cleaners, the hardworking Sister Chin Tai Cheng availed herself to do the cleaning. The church has a fairly large compound and it was no mean feat to maintain its cleanliness. Yet, she readily did so whenever her health permitted so that our brothers and sisters could worship the Lord in a clean place on Sundays. Not to mention, she had single-handedly prepared the Easter eggs for every Easter Sunday.

The coffee that we enjoy every Sunday was brewed by our very own coffee lady, Sister Tiong Hong Kiaw. She never failed to do so as long as she was in the country. Though I am no coffee drinker, I am always greeted by the lovely fragrance when I stepped into the church. Everyone loves the coffee made by her and one could tell if she was around that Sunday just by the presence of the coffee fragrance. She is a lady of few words and a little hard of hearing, yet she loyally serves her Lord in this simple way.

These three sisters in Christ loved God deeply and are all His good stewards, worthy of our imitation. In our lives, the Lord values not our success but our growth; not our challenges but how we faced them; not the number of times we fell but the number of times we stood up again; not what we gained but what we have learned.








Jesus Loves You(Matthew 5:4) 耶稣爱你(马太福音5:4)


How much of my time is enough for God? 多少才算足够?