Applying Ourselves To The Times 把自己应用在时代中

Author: Deacon Daniel Xu

Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
— Hebrews 13:8

It has been more than a year since we heard of COVID-19 and it has been a rather surreal year. Never had a year felt so long yet passed so quickly. Over the last year, I have heard many pastors and leaders try to make sense of this pandemic, reporting how COVID-19 have impacted their ministry. A few weeks back, Ps Andrew shared that not only did we reacted to the situation well, but by the grace of God, we even grew during the pandemic.

We are thankful that our brothers and sisters were understanding and cooperative to all the changes, and many even stepped up to serve in this exceedingly difficult time.

That said, many of us are thinking that these changes are only going to be for a short period. More and more, we hear from politicians and scientists that this situation is going to take much longer than we expected to resolve. Some say 3 years, 5 years or longer. It is about time we adjusted our posture again.

More than reacting to our situation and adapting to the times, we need to apply ourselves to our generation. I urge you to no longer look forward to when life could go back to “normal” because this is our reality now. We cannot afford be distracted by this pandemic and put the gospel on hold. There is no need to wait for the dust to settle, for the pandemic to clear, for the alerts to be lifted. The urgent call of the gospel remains relevant and the same.

Apply ourselves as salt and light to this world to point this world Jesus in all that we do. Hebrews tells us that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever! The message of the gospel is more relevant than ever because what a changing world desperately needs is a never changing God.

Let us we no longer concern ourselves with what it once was, but we look forward to where God is leading us to in this journey. Amen.


— 希伯来书 13:8-10





让我们成为这个世界的盐与光,并在我们所做的一切事上,把这个世界指向耶稣。希伯来书告诉我们,耶稣基督昨天、今天、一直到永远都是一样的! 福音的信息比以往任何时候都更加切实,因为一个“不断变化的世界”迫切需要的是一位“永不改变的神”。



Following Jesus 跟从耶稣


Jesus Loves You(Matthew 5:4) 耶稣爱你(马太福音5:4)