God’s Perfect Timing 神的完美时机

Author: Sis Florence Khoo

All things work together for good to those … who are called according to His purpose.
— Romans 8:28

As far as we human are concerned, perfect timing is rare. But to God, He has specific purposes and plan for us, and His timing is always perfect.

My seller had a house that was on a low floor and with west sun. Furthermore, a primary school (with constant bell ring) was just next to it. I had been marketing it for 3 months with 22 viewings but no taker. I was anxious. Reason was the seller’s wife was due for delivery soon and did not wish to be disturbed during her confinement. On top of this, they will face financial difficulties if the sales proceed did not come in on time. Anxiety built up, as seller was expressing his concern. Realising my own limitation and helplessness, I turn to God for help.

One day, a couple who had viewed the unit 3 weeks ago, suddenly called to request for 2nd viewing. They came in the late afternoon and walked off still having negative comments. But the same day at 9pm the phone rang, and the deal was sealed. Amazingly, the selling price was over and above the seller’s bottom price. Unbelievable! I took months and God took just a phone call! The next day, the seller’s wife had a smooth delivery with healthy twins. All went well in the hand of God. Praise the Lord! Let all glory be to our great and almighty God!

I shared this miraculous happening with my seller and his wife and they too were amazed. I prayed that the seed of the gospel truth is planted in their hearts. To me, my encounter with my heavenly Father is tremendously dear to me. The love of God abides in me, and it strengthened my faith.

At the right moment, God will intervene. God is never in a hurry, but He is always on time. In God’s own time you’ll see Him work. He’ll give you hope and lift your soul. 1 Peter 5:6-7 aptly said, “So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honour. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

All honour and glory indeed belong to our mighty GOD. Amen!


— 罗马书 8:28





神总会在对的时刻介入。祂从不着急,但永远准时。若是依照着神的时间,你就会看到祂的工作。祂会给你希望,也会安慰你失落的灵魂。彼得前书 5:6-7 就这么说到, “所以,你们要自卑,服在神大能的手下,到了时候他必叫你们升高。你们要将一切的忧虑卸给神,因为祂顾念你们。 “



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