A Blessed Life: Becoming A True Disciple蒙福的人生:成为真门徒

Author: Rev Ng Eng Keng
Translate: Sis Charis Ong

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples.”
— John 8:31

A true disciple of Christ must abide in His word. In other words, the least we could say about the life of one who does not keep the word of God, is that it is problematic, and not pleasing to God. Are you one who abides in His word?

The Bible clearly stated the attitude a disciple of God should have towards His word – that is to ‘abide in’ it. In the Chinese Union Version of the Bible, ‘abide in’ was translated to ‘always observe’. Not once or twice, ten or a hundred times, but ‘always’ – at every moment.

Apart from this, to ‘abide in’ also implies ‘adhering to the prescribed actions’, that is to follow the given instructions to accomplish a task. If you have a complete understanding of the process in which a task is to be accomplished – be it the procedure, strategy, or steps to be taken, and yet you did not follow through, then it all amounts to nothing and will not yield any results.

To be blessed by God, Christians not only need to ‘know’ the ways and the channels of blessings, more importantly, they must be able to profess through their actions their faith in the one who blesses. Many Christians yearn to get an abundance of blessings from God, yet they are not ready to express their faith through their actions.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us become the beloved disciples of Christ, that not only do we know the truth, but we live by it.  Verse 32 of John 8 reads, [and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”]. It is only when we know and live by the truth that we gain true freedom in Him!


— 约翰福音8:31







God’s Perfect Timing 神的完美时机


What are we living for? 活着是为了什么?